Sunday, November 18, 2007

Monthly Meeting Minutes

October 10, 2007

President Marianne Mussett called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm in the Conference Center at the Toledo Botanical Garden. There were 25 members present. Marianne reported that some minutes have been posted, and the remaining outstanding minutes will be posted soon. These have been delayed due to the illness of the Secretary.

Treasurer Karlyn Thompson reported that the balance in our savings account is $2060.73, and in our checking account, the balance is $2218.96. We also have $2000 invested in a CD which we will roll over into another CD. Revenues from our annual show including $555.00 from entrance fees, plus $50.00 in contributions, for a total of $605.00. Show expenses totaled $457.71. Our judge returned a portion of her fee as a donation to our guild.

Membership chairman, Donna Mohn, was not present, but Karlyn Thompson reports that after verifying our membership list against the list of dues paid, we have 44 members.

There were no reports from Education Committee or the Outreach Committee.

The Newsletter Chairman, Su Pellitieri advised members that the next newsletter deadline is October 25.

Resident Organization Council representative, Anna Kerlin, reports that the next meeting is November 5. All members are encouraged to vote for the Metroparks levy, which will also benefit the associated Toledo Botanical Garden. The Fall Festival is scheduled for October 14, here at TBG from noon to 4:00 pm Sunday. There will be a Scarecrow contest. Members are reminded that our 3rd quarter volunteer sheets are due soon. The ROC needs volunteers to fill the officer’s positions. A President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer and a Secretary are all needed. They meet on the second Wednesday of every month at noon. Anna has a sign up sheet for manning the raffle booth for Heralding the Holidays. Any ornaments members wish to make and donate to our wreath donation to the raffle need to be brought in by the November meeting on the 14th, in order to allow time to decorate the wreath with them.

Outgoing Show Chairman, Diane Myers reported that there were 9 show programs left if anyone wanted them. She also advised that she bought a mechanical clicker type of counter which we can use to count the visitors to our show in the future. Many people do not take the trouble to sign our guest book. We had 38 show exhibitors, and 114 items in the show. 57% of the show entries received ribbons. According to the guest book, we had 257 visitors in attendance. Members recount that this year’s crowd seemed a lot different, and asked many more questions. Su recommends that we drop the judge’s critique program. Not that many people request it, we don’t get the money anyway, and we are now more pressured for the time to complete the critiques. Su Pellitieri made a motion to discontinue the practice, Marilyn Freeman seconded the motion, and it passed by majority vote.

Regarding our Program Committee, Su Pellitieri will teach tonight’s program in Reversible Cross-Stitch. In November, Donna Mohn will present a lecture on Hungarian embroidery. No materials will be required.

The Nominating Committee reported that they have a slate of candidates for the November election. Nancy Wright will run for Treasurer, Irene Leonard will run for Program Chairman, and Caren Scarbrough will run for President Elect. Nominations can still be taken from the floor.

Donna Cairns received many kits at the show for donation to the Brooks Army base medical facility.

Members were advised that the Sylvania Senior Center has scheduled a presentation by Judy Balogh on Hungarian embroidery during the day.

Diane Myers reported that the Penta-County Vocational School representative will be at our November meeting to be presented with the bookmarks our members made and donated to their GED incentive program. Diane advises that hundreds of people go through this program, so feel free to bring more bookmarks to the November meeting.

The meeting was then adjourned, and Su Pellitieri conducted the educational program for the evening.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Meyer Hill

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Monthly Meeting Minutes

SEPTEMBER 12, 2007

President Marianne Mussett brought the meeting to order at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, September 12, 2007 in the Conference Center of The Toledo Botanical Garden. She welcomed back all of our members who had attended the National Seminar in Chicago during the first week of the month, and also thanked Nancy Wright for providing refreshments for this evening’s meeting. There were 22 members present and no visitors.

Secretary Annette Hill reported that she is a bit behind in typing up the minutes for posting to the blog, but promises to catch up soon.

Treasurer Karlyn Thompson reports that our savings account balance is $2053.95 and our checking account balance is $1944.46. We had $78.40 in expense for printing and postage. We also refunded Marge Toth’s dues to her family subsequent to her death. Our checking account balance consists in part of deposits paid by members for participation in the October class. We have a bill outstanding for rent to TBG. A motion was put forward by Karlyn to pay the bill. Nancy Wright seconded the motion and a vote of the members passed the motion unanimously. Karlyn reminds members that those with renewal in this quarter must pay their dues by September 30.

Secretary Annette Hill has been asked to look for the certificate presented to our chapter in appreciation by the Brooks Army medical facility for our needlework kit donations so that we can accurately cite it in our outreach reports.

Su Pellitieri reported on information sent to us via our website regarding an estate sale with needlework supplies available to be held on Wednesday, September 19 through Friday, September 21 at 2419 Drummond from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm each day.

Resident Organization Council representative Anna Kerlin was not present, but Marianne reported that we need a volunteer to organize our participation in Heralding the Holidays. The ROC organizing committee for this event will be meeting on the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Toledo Rockhounds building. Diane Myers volunteered. Maria Nowicki will organize our participation in the raffle, but needs someone to arrive early on the Friday of the event to set up. When no one volunteered, Marianne advised that Anna has indicated that she may be able to help.

Marianne requested volunteers for the nominating committee, and suggested Sue Wiemer, Jennifer Miller and Caryn Scarbrough. The membership voted to accept this committee and they acknowledged their willingness to serve. We need nominees for President-Elect, Program Chair, and Treasurer.

Caryn Scarbrough, our representative at Great Lakes Region meetings, attended several meetings on our behalf while at seminar in Chicago. Thanks to our chapter’s suggestion, the national board considered and passed an initiative to change our membership renewal to a once a year process. The first year of implementation will required a proration of dues to adjust to the new calendar. National dues will rise again by $3.00 per year, after $10.00 increase already. They are also asking for contributions by the regions, and by each member. In past years, shortfalls were covered by generous donations by a few long-time members, who have now passed away. Caryn passed along an explanation about letters which some members have been receiving from the Internal Revenue Service. They remind us that we do not have to file anything with the IRS, because we fall under the national organization.

Regional Seminar will be held in Madison, Wisconsin in 2008. In 2009, it will be in Dearborn, Michigan. Members were advised that the hotel rooms in Dearborn will only be $119 a night, but the fee for the seminar will increase by more than $400 due to an increase in teacher’s fees and expenses. This year’s touring teacher for the GLR has been cancelled, due to many cancellations by chapters. The GLR board is requesting a volunteer chapter to host the fall meeting in 2008. Because we just hosted the meeting recently, we will not be volunteering.

Profuse congratulations were again extended to Kay Griffith, who was honored at the regional seminar with The Golden Needle Award!Caryn also reported that EGA is hosting an international embroidery conference in Louisville, as well as the 19th annual national exhibit. Caryn has a few brochures available for the next National Seminar. Early registrations will still be accepted through September 15, 2007.

Caryn also advised that our member, Christine Hampshire, was asked to include several of her Beading Master Craftsman projects in the exhibit at the National Seminar in Chicago. Christine has also recently been published in the national magazine for the American Needlepoint Guild, and her husband, David, also recently had an article published in the same magazine regarding photography of needlework.

Newsletter Editor, Su Pellitieri, attended the national newsletter editor meeting while at Seminar.

Program Chairman, Kay Griffith, reports that Donna Mohn will present a program on Hungarian embroidery in November. In October, Su Pellitieri will present a program in reversible cross-stitch. Kay advises that she has the Program Chairman materials with her this evening, so that prospective new chairmen may investigate before they volunteer.
Kay advises that if you want to cancel your kit for The Village Green, you must tell her now, or else be responsible for paying for the kit. It may a little more than $68.00 for the kits, and they will be available sometime in October. Members discussed getting the kits without the canvas being marked.

Marianne reminded members that the address for the blog is

Show Chairman, Diane Myers, reported that Cathy Studer will bring the completed voting boxes for the show. Diane asked for additional volunteers for judging and set up on Friday, and we are now adequately staffed. Su reported that press releases were recently sent out and we are starting to get responses for more information.

Diane also reported that the Kindred Spirits Sampler Guild is sponsoring a program with Eileen Bennett on October 14. Members can contact her for additional information.

Donna Cairns reports that to date, we have sent 547 kits to Brooks Medical Base, and more are coming in. The regular meeting was adjourned and the Get It Finished projects were shared by participating members.

Respectfully submitted,
Annette Meyer Hill

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Monthly Meeting Minutes

August 8, 2007

President Marianne Mussett called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Center of the Toledo Botanical Garden. There were 23 members present, but no guests or new members

Secretary Annette Hill reported that minutes of the regular meetings and the board meetings are up to date and have been posted to the blog. Marianne encouraged members to post to the “What’s New” portion of the blog.

Treasurer Karlyn Thompson reported that the savings account balance is $2053.95 and the checking account balance is $1079.46.

Membership Chairman Donna Mohn is updating our membership list. Marianne spoke with national director Anita Streeter about a national change to once a year membership renewal, and we are requesting action through our regional contacts.

There was no report from the Education Committee.

Beth Thompson, Outreach Chairman reported to our regional representative about our bookmark project.

Newsletter Chairman, Su Pellitieri advises that our next deadline is August 25. It will be posted to the web on September 1.

Program Chairman, Kay Griffith asked Su to list the supplies that members will need for the October program in the September issue.

Anna Kerlin reported that at the Resident Organization Council meeting today, representatives discussed the lack of communication between TBG and the resident artist groups. The raffle which we organized for TBG raised $110.00. Sharon McMullen donated embroidery to use as a prize next year. The next quarterly meeting of the ROC is scheduled for November 5.

Show Chairman, Diane Myers, introduced a suggestion which was discussed by the members. At this year’s show, we will introduce a new ribbon for Best of Show, and we will revise ribbon guidelines to indicate that this piece is considered the best technical entry in the show, as opposed to “Judge’s Choice” which has come to mean something else.

Program Chairman, Kay Griffith, announced that the September program kit will cost $1.00. Katherine Thompson will teach a program on huck weaving, or Swedish weaving. Members will have a choice of four colors of fabric: white, yellow, pink or green. Participants should bring a size 24 or 26 tapestry needle, and # 8 or #12 perle cotton of our own choice, if we wish. Kay will also have available various threads that we may use. In October, Su Pellitieri will teach a program in reversible cross-stitch.

Kay reported that she has been discussing changes in our plans for the workshop, “The Village Green” which had been planned for October. Myrtis Justiniano knows a relative of the designer of the piece and obtained the right to teach the class. After discussion, it has been decided that we are going to have Myrtis kit it up for us, but we will be self-guiding ourselves instead of having a two day class. The first meeting will be on Thursday, November 15 at Something Extra. The kit will cost between $68.00 and $75.00. Kay will be there at the shop pretty much all day to distribute kits and advise participants.
Kay also reminded us that someone will need to volunteer for the Program Chairman position for the coming year.

Marianne reported about the scheduling problem which we encountered in July, and further discussion ensued about other problems here at TBG. We were denied display space on 1st Sunday/Art in the Garden because of people who had not signed up coming with displays. Many organizations have complained of poor organization at TBG events. We will table the issue for now, but in the future consider very seriously leaving TBG. Members discussed meeting at Something Extra.

Donations were collected from members to be forwarded to the national office of EGA in memory of recently deceased member, Marge Toth.

A nominating committee will be formed soon to find volunteers for the positions of Program Chair, President Elect and Treasurer.

We received an announcement that the Lucas County Children’s Services needs hats, scarves and mittens. If you knit or crochet, there are patterns available. Please call Rita Malkin at 419-344-2508. She is a member of the Toledo Potter’s Guild.

We will be collecting Christmas ornaments for the wreath which we donate to the Heralding the Holidays raffle. This year our theme is snowflakes.

The meeting was adjourned and Barbara Hoyer presented a program on finishing name tags and ornaments.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Meyer Hill

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Monthly Meeting Minutes

July 11, 2007

The Needle Arts Guild of Toledo met at Something Extra for their regular July meeting. We were asked to find a temporary spot to meet due to a planning meeting for a master plan for TBG. Scheduling for 10 persons from around the country was difficult and July 11 was the only date could all attend.
President Marianne Mussett called the meeting to order and will contact TBG regarding our problem in rescheduling.
Guests were welcomed as well as our instructor for the evening, Linda Morris from Ft. Wayne.
Treasurer Karlyn Thompson reported a savings account balance of $2045.16 and a checking account balance of $1689.96.
Committee reports were given and we were reminded of “Arts in the Park” on August 5, 2007 from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm.
We selected regional nominating committee members and Caren Scarbrough will be our representative at the National meeting in September.
Long-time member Marge Toth passed away and there was a short discussion on our policy for memorials.
The show (September 27, 28 and 29) is progressing.
The meeting was turned over to Linda to lead us in stitching a small Assisi piece.
Thanks to Bridget Simon for use of the shop.

Donna Mohn

Monthly Meeting Minutes

June 13, 2007

The Needle Arts Guild of Toledo met for their regular monthly meeting on June 3, 2007 at 6:30 pm in the Conference Center of the Toledo Botanical Garden in the Terrace Room. The meeting opened with an enthusiastic announcement by Nancy Wright that our own Kay Griffith is the Great Lakes Regions Golden Thread Award winner. She will now be considered for the EGA national Golden Thread Award along with the twelve other regional award winners. Kay was not present at the June meeting, but will be sent a congratulatory card signed by her proud chaptermates.

President Marianne Mussett then called the meeting to order and recounted that there had been no board meeting scheduled for June, and none is scheduled for July. The next regular meeting is scheduled for July 11. The next board meeting is scheduled for August 2 at Marianne’s house. The August meeting will be especially important because our show is scheduled for September.

Treasurer Karlyn Thompson reported that the balance in our savings account is $2,045.16 and in our checking account it is $1364.96. Some of the checking account balance reflects the deposits placed for participation in the October workshop.

Secretary Annette Hill reported that recent meeting minutes are available for review and will be posted to the web site soon.

There was no report from the following committees: Membership, Education, Library, and the GLR liaison.

Regarding our Outreach Committee, Diane Myers reported that the completed bookmarks will be turned over to the Penta vocational school for use as awards for their students. Our guild will continue to collect stitchery kits for donation to the Brooks City Army medical facility.

Newsletter Chairman Su Pellitieri reported that the next deadline is June 25th. She requested that members sign up to indicate whether they will access newsletter information online, or whether they need a paper copy mailed to them. She also mentioned that we will need members to sign up to work during the show in September.

TBG Resident Organization Council representative Anna Kerlin asked the membership about donations for the Arts in the Garden raffle which we will be organizing for TBG. We have three donations of prizes, including two framed embroidered pieces and a Canvaswork scissors case and scissors. Donna Mohn reported that TBG needs volunteers to work during the Crosby Festival of the Arts on June 23 and 24. Members were reminded that these volunteer hours would count toward our volunteer hour commitment, and perhaps increase our reduction to rent credit for volunteer hours.
Show Chairman Diane Myers reported that the 2007 IRS standard for mileage reimbursement is $ 0.485 per mile for business purposes, $0.20 per mile for medical reasons, and $0.14 per mile for charitable volunteers. We will use the business standard for any upcoming contracts with teachers or judges.

Members were advised that our July program will be taught by Linda Morris of the Fort Wayne chapter of EGA. The subject is Assisi embroidery, and the project is part of the Petite Projects program. The kit fee will be less than $5.00 and the kit will include 28 count fabric and instructions. Members should bring sz 24 or 26 tapestry needles and 2 shades of medium/dark floss. There will be 30 kits available.

Member Jennifer Miller reported that in information that she had received from the national EGA office, it was reported that our local chapter has 41 members. There is widespread concern within the local membership that the membership count is not being accurately accounted for. Sue Hojnacki reports that the national office has new staff, and discussion reflected that members hope that this will improve the situation for membership renewal and accounting.

The regular meeting was adjourned and members enjoyed our annual potluck dinner. The Secret Stitcher program for 2006-2007 was concluded with members finding out who their secret benefactors were, and new names were drawn for all members who wished to participate during the coming year. Finished needlework projects were displayed during our Get It Finished program, with members receiving drawing chances for the December drawing for each project displayed.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Meyer Hill

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Monthly Meeting Minutes

May 9, 2007

President Marianne Mussett called the meeting to order and passed a sheet around for members to sign for attendance. Secretary Annette Hill counted 21 members present. Marianne advised members that our charter with TBG asks for an annual report about attendance at all of our events.

Treasurer Karlyn Thompson informed the members that our bank account balances are as follows: $2045.16 savings; $1255.39 checking; and $20000 in our CD. We paid out $152 in dues to the national office and $8 to regional treasurer. Members participating in tonight’s program must pay $6 for each kit they use, and Karlyn will also take dues from members who are up for renewal.

Marianne thanked Newsletter Chairman, Su Pellitieri for the changes to our newsletter format. Su is passing a sheet for members to indicate whether they will receive the newsletter on the internet, or whether they would like to receive the newsletter in regular mail. The sheet also has space for you to indicate that you give permission to release information on the internet for your contact information. The newsletters will be available online the 1st day of each odd numbered month.

Membership Chairman, Donna Mohn, indicates that dues are next due at end of June. Donna doesn’t know if they have their new computer person for membership at the national office, and therefore doesn’t know whether we will get a printout or not.

There was no report from the Education Committee.

Outreach Chairman, Donna Cairns announced that she has just received more kits to send to Brooks City Army Base. Donna proposed that we continue with the program. Helen Zeller seconded the motion. The membership voted to continue with the program.

Librarian Katherine Thompson asked the membership if we should dismantle our unused library collection. After discussion on the issue, the guild decided to keep the library intact.

Annette will look for our logo so that Su can consider using it again in her newsletter.

Resident Organization Council (ROC) Liaison, Anna Kerlin announced that TBG’s Open Art event continues on the 1st Sundays of every month. In May, it was essentially a stitch in with 9 guild members present. We had three participants from the public. For the next time, Donna Cairns has 14 count aida cloth and patterns that Karyn from Cross-Stitch Heaven donated and she will bring them for the public interaction. We need raffle donations for the raffle in August. Annette Hill will be donating a Canvaswork scissors case and scissors. Barb Watson donated some crewel pieces from a garage sale.

Caren Scarbrough attended the Great Lakes Region meeting on April 28. She brought back registration forms for the Madison regional seminar. She also has refrigerator magnets for That Needling Town in Chicago available for members. The roster of regional chapter officers has an outdated list for our chapter. We will update it.

Show Chairman Diane Meyers announced that Peverley Hormann will be assistant chair for the show, and Show Chairman the following year.

Marianne asked for a vote for minutes to be included in the blog. Maria seconded and the motion passed. The minutes will not be included in the newsletter.
Marianne asked for approval to sign the TBG charter and return it. Members approved her request. She attended a tea here at TBG about a week ago and met several of our TBG contacts.

Our annual Potluck dinner is scheduled for the June 13 meeting. Please bring your own place setting. We will also do our Get it Finished program and find out who the Secret Stitchers are. Cathy Studer will continue chairing Secret Stitchers and will forward the list to Su for a newsletter article announcing this past year’s pairings.

Nancy Wright worked up a nomination for Kay Griffith for the Golden Thread Award. She read the nomination and resume for us.

There are still openings for our October class, the Village Green, taught by Myrtis Justiniano. She needs a $50 deposit for the kit to hold a space in the class.

Caren is teaching a class tonight for our program on making silk felt. The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Meyer Hill

Monday, April 30, 2007

Monthly Meeting Minutes

April 11, 2007
President Marianne Mussett called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm in the Terrace Room of the Conference Center of the Toledo Botanical Garden.

Secretary Annette Hill advised that minutes are available for review from the March meeting and the April board meeting.

Treasurer Karlyn Thompson informed members that our bank account balances are: savings $2045.16, checking $1410.39, and $2000 in our new CED. The signature cards on all accounts have now been updated for the appropriate current officers.

Membership Chairman, Donna Mohn reported that we sent our checks to the EGA national office and to the regional treasurer for members’ dues. Anyone who was shown as not paid during this past renewal period will not be penalized due to errors at the national office. They are hiring new staff at the national office and having a few problems during the transition. Karlyn will join the membership committee, and checks will go directly to her. Su will also be a member to maintain the roster.

There was no report from the Education Committee, or the Librarian.

The Board announced that they approved the past expense of mailing needlework kits to the Brooks-City Air Force Base medical center. Chairman, Donna Cairns has no kits on hand right now. This would be a good time to stop sending them, if we decide to discontinue this outreach program. Members would rather look through their stashes for potential donations and table the issue for now.

Anna Kerlin, our representative for the Resident’s Organization Council for TBG, reported that the sit and stitch at the 1st Sunday event for May will earn us points toward our rent discount. Please bring finished items as well as works in progress to display and demonstrate for the public from 1 to 4 pm. Sign up with Anna. She has information from TBG Volunteer Coordinator, Cindy de Saint Victor, that there is an opportunity to help at the Garden with clean-up on Saturday, April 21. On Mondays, there are opportunities for those who are willing to dig in the dirt to help with gardening. Please call her at least 5 working days in advance if you want to work on a Monday. We will forward TBG emails to members on our email list because the information is quite frequently given on short notice. The annual Plant Sale will be held on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, May 10-13 with cleanup on the following Monday.

GLR representative, Caren Scarbrough reported that the traveling teacher for this year is Jonalyn Guttwein. She will be teaching in many locations in Ohio and Indiana, but we are too late to sign up. In 2008 the teacher will be Debra Forney of Connecticut. Caren will attend the regional meeting on our behalf on April 28.

Show Chairman, Diane Myers, reported that an agreement has been signed with The Toledo Lucas County Public Library for use of the Sanger branch for our annual show in September. A Contract has been sent to our prospective judge, Donna Halpin, but it has not been returned yet. We have cancelled our reservation for the use of the TBG conference center. We have added our show dates to the TBG calendar online. Diane requested a volunteer for the assistant show chairman position, but there was no volunteer. This year, several members volunteered to work on publicity for the show. Caren Scarbrough will be teaching a program next month on making silk felt. She advises that she has most of the materials gathered and the kit will cost about $8.00. She has room for 30 members to participate.

Program Chairman, Kay Griffith, now has a signed contract from our teacher for the October workshop. By August she needs a final count of participants, and Kay needs a $50 deposit from each of them by August. In August we will determine what the balance due will be. The workshop will he held October 20 and 21, a Saturday and Sunday, here at the TBG conference center. Participants will need 2 pairs of 17 inch stretcher bars.

Newsletter Chairman, Su Pellitieri announced that the deadline is April 25 for our next newsletter.

Marianne advised the members that we have received and discussed nominations for the Golden Thread Award. They are Donna Mohn, Kay Griffith and Caren Scarbrough. The membership decided that we will nominate Kay Griffith for the award. Nancy Wright will work on the nomination documentation.

Marianne announced that in our endeavor to control our spending, we have established a Budget committee, on which Marianne, Maria and Karlyn will serve. It is noted that we have 60 members, whose dues generate about $600 income per year. One of our largest expenses is the postage for our newsletter. Members discussed several options, including charging everyone for the cost of mailing the newsletter. Another option to consider is to utilize a combination mail and internet delivery for the information that members need. Two members discussed a subscription option for the newsletter, with the member paying for the extra cost of paper and postage above the online cost of maintaining a blog or website as the primary source of information. Marianne is developing a prototype blog at She asked members to check it out so that we can discuss it further in coming months. Next month we will vote on amending our standing rules to allow us to include minutes in the blog, or on our website, or newsletter.

Ruth Ann Shull, a resident of Toledo, donated stitching supplies, patterns, and materials. Marianne will bring them to the meeting next month. Several members asked about organizing a shop hop. Su is interested in at least compiling a list of shops. Bridget says that shop owners might be willing to be open on Sunday, or extended hours on Saturday to accommodate us. Regarding Stitch-ins, Katherine Thompson has agreed to be the contact person concerning the location for our evening gatherings on the third and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Marianne reminded members to consider attending the national EGA seminar in Chicago, September 2-7. Marianne asked members for any information they could offer about our member, Carol Ann Woidtke. A local writer is seeking information about Carol’s Jacobean embroidery. Donna Mohn will provide what information she can.

The business meeting was adjourned, and Bridget taught a program on “beadpoint.” The next meeting is scheduled for May 9, 2007 at 6:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Annette Meyer Hill

Monthly Meeting Minutes

March 14, 2007
President Marianne Mussett opened the meeting and announced that the Board has decided to reinstate refreshments on a trial basis. A sign-up sheet is available for members who are willing to provide refreshments.

Treasurer Karlyn Thompson presented detailed expenses for the past two months. Our bank account balances are as follows:
CD matured, to be reinvested.

Membership Chairman Donna Mohn reported that she did not receive a list from national for dues payable this month as expected. The National office is in transition with new staff. Some members got letters saying they were overdue for renewal, although we sent renewal payment in for them. EGA National cashed our check but neglected to update members’ records. If there are still problems, please check with Donna after the meeting. We have new brochures from national. Please take some to distribute to friends.
There were no reports from Education, Outreach or Library Chairmen.

Newsletter Chairman Su Pellitieri announced that the latest copy of our membership roster is available. Extra newsletters are available for guests. One new member advised Su that she did not get the recent newsletter.

Anna Kerlin reported that the Residents Organization Council met on March 16 in the Stables to discuss Arts in the Garden. Regular meetings will be on the third Friday of each month at noon in the Stables to get this year’s event together. Art in the Gardens will be combined with the first Sunday event for August. Normally we run the raffle. Anna said that we received some mail about the Crosby award dinner, a Blair lithopane museum flyer, and a note about volunteer hours opportunities in May June July and August.

There was no report about Great Lakes Region activity.

Program Committee Chairman, Kay Griffith presented a motion to change our policy so that participants pay kit fee and split all costs of workshops. Su P. seconded the motion, and it passed by a significant margin. Kay introduced another motion proposing that costs for regular meeting program kits be paid by individual participants. The motion was seconded by Marilyn Freeman. The teacher will be reimbursed by the Treasurer and the members will pay the Treasurer for the kits. The motion carried by a majority vote.
Additional programs have been arranged. A Huckweaving program will be presented in September by Catherine Thompson. In August Barbara Hoyer will discuss finishing nametags and ornaments with us.

In Unfinished business, we discussed arrangements for our annual show. Marianne presented these options:
Sanger Branch of the Toledo Lucas County Public Library – The library branch manager is thrilled with the possibility that we might have our show there. We would use the 4 free meeting room usages that are available to any organization within a year all consecutive days. Sylvania Branch meeting rooms are smaller. Sanger is nearer to our TBG meeting location and people are more familiar with it.
Fenwick Gallery – has been offered to us. It has very little parking, and the location is far out on Central Avenue.
Way Public Library in Perrysburg would cost $150.00 for the weekend. The lighting isn’t as good as at Sanger because it’s in their basement. However, the space is about the same.
One Seagate – It will be the home of 5/3 Bank, and we could have the exhibit there for several weeks. They have security in the lobby around the clock. They have display furnishings. The drawbacks of this venue are that parking is pay parking in garage or Street parking which is free on the weekends, and that some members are not comfortable in downtown Toledo.
TBG still has us on their calendar. We would not use the Stables and would not have the book sale, the proceeds of which would bring our cost down to about $500. Without the book sale, the cost would be about $700.
Marianne asked for Show Chairman, Diane Myers’, recommendation. She believes that our best option is Sanger. A vote was then taken, with the vast majority voting for Sanger. Members then voted for which weekend we could prefer to hold the show. The majority voted to hold the show Sept. 27 to 30. The hours will be: Thurs. 9/27- drop off 4pm -8pm; Friday 9/28, the library is open from 9am to 5:30 pm, so our judging will have to be done during that amount of time.

The Get It Finished program was conducted during the refreshment break.

TBG is circulating a survey among resident organizations. Copies were made available for NAGT members to complete.

Marianne asked for members to sign up to bring refreshments to meetings.

She also asked for input about possible nominations for the Golden Thread Award.

The TBG Volunteer coordinator will be at a future meeting, perhaps in June.

Catherine Thompson reminded members about weekly stitch-ins on Thursdays at 11:00 am, and also evening stitch-ins on the 3rd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 6:30 pm. The 3rd Tuesday is generally considered Canvaswork night, and the 4th is for Crewel, although it is not mandatory to use these techniques to come and enjoy stitching camaraderie. The next canvas stitch-in is at Catherine's home. The next crewel stitch-in is at Marilyn’s home.

Caren Scarbrough will be presenting a program later in the year on making silk fabric, or silk felt. You can stitch on it, quilt it, and can cut it and it won’t fray. She needs to order materials and took a count for the number of participants to expect. There will be approximately 30 kits needed.
The meeting was then adjourned and Annette Hill presented a program, teaching beginning smocking techniques with a Smocked Easter Egg project.

Respectfully submitted,
Annette Meyer Hill

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Monthly Meeting Minutes

January 10, 2007
President Marianne Mussett opened the meeting with an announcement that she would be opening meetings on time, and she asked that members please wear nametags. We will collect $0.25 from members not wearing nametags which will go into our general fund.

Marianne proposed that we do the business meeting first and then the program. It was discussed with the members. Several objections were made about people, in the past, coming in late because they knew that the opening was just the business meeting. She would like to do the business meeting first for at least this month and next month. It was agreed that we will all think about the issue and make a more permanent decision later.
She also asked that chairmen contact her to let her know if there was not anything to report. Then we will just skip over that committee report to streamline our meetings.

Welcome Chairman Marilyn Freeman introduced two guests in attendance.
President Marianne Mussett put out our new EGA national information booklet for members to review.

Secretary Annette Hill made a copy of the December meeting minutes available for review. President Marianne Mussett asked members to note any corrections needed and that we would approve the minutes next month.

Treasurer Karlyn Thompson reported balances of $1510.72 in our checking account, $1688.74 in our savings account, and $2442.53 in our CD account, for a total of $5641.99. She also reported that for the year 2006, our expenses exceeded income by $1352.12. On average we have been spending about $2000 more per year than we have taken in. Karlyn suggests that we need to change our practice about spending. President Marianne Mussett agreed that we need to consider a policy change. The Treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.

Membership Chairman Donna Mohn reported that a few members have not paid their dues. She reports that we have about 85 members. Su Pelitieri added that we mail out 85 newsletters, but about a dozen are complimentary for exchange purposes. Four members did not renew because they felt that we were doing projects that were too advanced.

Education Committee had no report.

Outreach Committee had no report.

Library Committee had no report.

Newsletter Chairman Su Pelitieri offered extra newsletters to guests. She circulated a new roster and asked members to review their entry so that information is verified before it is printed out and distributed.

Resident Organization Council representative, Anna Kerlin, reported that Cindy De Saint Victor is the new volunteer coordinator of TBG. The new director of TBG is Janet Schroeder.

Great Lakes Region representative Caren Scarbrough reported that the annual Tea Cup Opportunity Drawing will be held at the regional meeting since there is no regional seminar this year, due to our region hosting the National Seminar. We will be receiving tickets to sell. Donations of prizes would be appreciated.

Show Committee Chairman, Diane Myers has nothing to report while we continue to discuss our options about our show.

New business: President Marianne Mussett presented the proposed new agreement with the Toledo Botanical Garden. They are now allowing us only 24 hours of facility use free of charge per year. When you exceed that, the organization will be charged ½ the rate of rental for a non-member organization. That means that our show would run up over $700.00 in rent charges. Workshops would also have to pay rent charges if we have them in the Terrace Room or the Stables. Volunteer hours only count toward the 24 hours of free room time.
Marianne presented three proposals: (1) spend the money for the show here this year at TBG (2) try to find another venue (3) not do the show
Officers are researching all three options. Discussion included the news that our volunteer hours during our own show don’t count toward our discount on rent. Therefore, we were charged $120.00 last year for room rental. TBG eliminated the "box lady" volunteer opportunity which is how we used to contribute our volunteer hours. It was suggested that we do the show every other year. [But] Several members noted that our annual show distinguishes us. It also brings in a lot of new members. It was suggested that we increase the show fees.
A vote was taken. A clear majority was in favor of investigating other venues.
Karlyn Thompson asked how many entries do we have each show? Su reports that we had about 150 entries this past year. Donna Mohn discussed our dues and where that money goes. $29 goes to national EGA, $10 to the NAGT, and $1 goes to the GLR.
Marianne will be discussing our situation directly with the Director of TBG. She will be investigating the terms for the use of the OI building lobby and the meeting rooms at the Toledo Lucas County Public Library. Su Pelitieri presented a motion that we increase show entry fees by $1.00 per entry. Marilyn Freeman seconded. The motion passed by a clear majority.

Marianne then introduced discussion regarding a policy shift to include all expenses, including teaching fees, in our fees to participants for workshops. It has been our policy to withdraw money from our education fund CD to cover the teaching fee portion.
For the upcoming Myrtis Justiniano class, her proposed cost of $68.00 includes the book and kit. A cost of $80.00 would also include rent fee. We will, as usual, charge an additional $10.00 fee for non-members. The board recommends that participating members begin to bear the whole class cost with no subsidy from our treasury. Treasurer Karlyn Thompson read a statement written when we established the Evelyn Goodeman Fund which stated that we would acquire 3 CDs with laddered maturity dates and spend $500 a year to be spent on a workshop and 3 group correspondence courses. Reaction is that we can no longer afford to do that. Discussion about selling items like other guilds to raise money concluded that it is not profitable for such labor intensive arts as embroidery.

It was announced that there is a Secret Stitcher gift on the back table. Marianne presented a brief summary of our programs for our guests. Jennifer Miller has more catalogs from a needlework vendor who contacted us on the back table.

Marianne announced that two scholarships are available through national EGA, and that she has further information for interested individuals.

Members took a five minute break before Ann Rorarius presented our program, a Canvaswork Needlecase. The meeting was then adjourned.