Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Monthly Meeting Minutes

August 8, 2007

President Marianne Mussett called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Center of the Toledo Botanical Garden. There were 23 members present, but no guests or new members

Secretary Annette Hill reported that minutes of the regular meetings and the board meetings are up to date and have been posted to the blog. Marianne encouraged members to post to the “What’s New” portion of the blog.

Treasurer Karlyn Thompson reported that the savings account balance is $2053.95 and the checking account balance is $1079.46.

Membership Chairman Donna Mohn is updating our membership list. Marianne spoke with national director Anita Streeter about a national change to once a year membership renewal, and we are requesting action through our regional contacts.

There was no report from the Education Committee.

Beth Thompson, Outreach Chairman reported to our regional representative about our bookmark project.

Newsletter Chairman, Su Pellitieri advises that our next deadline is August 25. It will be posted to the web on September 1.

Program Chairman, Kay Griffith asked Su to list the supplies that members will need for the October program in the September issue.

Anna Kerlin reported that at the Resident Organization Council meeting today, representatives discussed the lack of communication between TBG and the resident artist groups. The raffle which we organized for TBG raised $110.00. Sharon McMullen donated embroidery to use as a prize next year. The next quarterly meeting of the ROC is scheduled for November 5.

Show Chairman, Diane Myers, introduced a suggestion which was discussed by the members. At this year’s show, we will introduce a new ribbon for Best of Show, and we will revise ribbon guidelines to indicate that this piece is considered the best technical entry in the show, as opposed to “Judge’s Choice” which has come to mean something else.

Program Chairman, Kay Griffith, announced that the September program kit will cost $1.00. Katherine Thompson will teach a program on huck weaving, or Swedish weaving. Members will have a choice of four colors of fabric: white, yellow, pink or green. Participants should bring a size 24 or 26 tapestry needle, and # 8 or #12 perle cotton of our own choice, if we wish. Kay will also have available various threads that we may use. In October, Su Pellitieri will teach a program in reversible cross-stitch.

Kay reported that she has been discussing changes in our plans for the workshop, “The Village Green” which had been planned for October. Myrtis Justiniano knows a relative of the designer of the piece and obtained the right to teach the class. After discussion, it has been decided that we are going to have Myrtis kit it up for us, but we will be self-guiding ourselves instead of having a two day class. The first meeting will be on Thursday, November 15 at Something Extra. The kit will cost between $68.00 and $75.00. Kay will be there at the shop pretty much all day to distribute kits and advise participants.
Kay also reminded us that someone will need to volunteer for the Program Chairman position for the coming year.

Marianne reported about the scheduling problem which we encountered in July, and further discussion ensued about other problems here at TBG. We were denied display space on 1st Sunday/Art in the Garden because of people who had not signed up coming with displays. Many organizations have complained of poor organization at TBG events. We will table the issue for now, but in the future consider very seriously leaving TBG. Members discussed meeting at Something Extra.

Donations were collected from members to be forwarded to the national office of EGA in memory of recently deceased member, Marge Toth.

A nominating committee will be formed soon to find volunteers for the positions of Program Chair, President Elect and Treasurer.

We received an announcement that the Lucas County Children’s Services needs hats, scarves and mittens. If you knit or crochet, there are patterns available. Please call Rita Malkin at 419-344-2508. She is a member of the Toledo Potter’s Guild.

We will be collecting Christmas ornaments for the wreath which we donate to the Heralding the Holidays raffle. This year our theme is snowflakes.

The meeting was adjourned and Barbara Hoyer presented a program on finishing name tags and ornaments.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Meyer Hill