Wednesday, October 1, 2008


President Maria Nowicki presided over the regular monthly meeting of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo on Wednesday, September 10, 2008, bringing the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The meeting time had been delayed a half hour due to use of the Terrace Room by the Toledo Botanical Garden Administration. There were 25 members present.
Secretary Annette Hill reported that the minutes from recent meetings have all been posted to the blog, and printed copies are also available for review. Treasurer Nancy Wright reports that our bank account balances are as follows: Savings, $1050.48; Savings CD, $1071.75; Savings CD $2126.25; and Checking $1431.30.
TBG Resident Organization Council Representative Anna Kerlin reports that there has not been a meeting since she last reported, but advises that she needs members who volunteered at TBG in the last quarter to complete their volunteer hour reporting forms for her the past quarter to submit to TBG.
Membership Chairman Diane Myers reports that our national dues will soon shift to all members being due for renewal on June 1 of each year. We will get more information concerning the transition soon.
Program Chairman Irene Leonard described our upcoming programs. We continue with our stitch of the month programs, tonight studying some special motif stitches. In October we will investigate filling stitches. In November, members are invited to bring in heirloom embroidered items to display and share their stories. Irene asks that those members who stitched the Hearts project, but either did not complete them, or decided not to formally enter them in the show, please bring your work for an informal display of typical programs during the show.
Show Chairman Peverley Hormann has requested that members sign up to volunteer at the show this weekend. According to Show Registrar, Su Pellitieri, our greatest need for volunteers is tomorrow, on Thursday, from 3:00 to 8:00 pm to set up. Se advises that there were problems with our online registration procedures, and described her efforts to provide remedial procedures.
Great Lakes Region Representative Caren Scarbrough reports that the Regional Newsletter mentioned our chapter member Donna Mohn and her recent honor to receive the GLR Golden Thread Award, noting that the national award went to Margaret Kinsey.
Caren thanked Annette Hill for agreeing to attend the upcoming GLR fall meeting in Dayton on September 20.
Newsletter Editor Su Pellitieri reports that the next submission deadline is October 25, 2008, and thanked Diane Myers for recent material submitted for publication.
Su reported that the Moonlight Sonata Group Correspondence Course pieces will be due for submission for evaluation in December and encourages members to work diligently.
Caren Scarbrough asked that members sign up soon if you wish to purchase the book for the fabric books that we will be constructing during our November Saturday program at the 577 Foundation in Perrysburg. She will be ordering the books next week.
Maria reported that we will be forming a Nominating Committee next month, with elections to be scheduled for November, and installation of new officers to occur in December.
Several members attended the National Seminar in Louisville at the beginning of September and shared their experiences and projects with the guild. Members were advised that preregistration is available for next year’s national seminar in Pittsburgh until September 15. A $100 downpayment will hold your spot in a preregistered class. Classes often fill fast and go to lottery and in that case, only preregistered participants will have a spot in the class.
The meeting was then adjourned for refreshments, followed by the educational program on special motif stitches led by Program Chairman Irene Leonard.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Meyer Hill