Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Monthly meeting minutes - July 9, 2008

Maria Nowicki brought the monthly meeting to order at 6:30 pm on July 9, 2008 in the Conference Center of the Toledo Botanical Garden. There were 22 members present and 3 guests. Maria began the meeting with an ice breaker. Members introduced themselves and briefly described their most frustrating embroidery project.
Secretary Annette Hill apologized for being behind in posting minutes of past meetings to the blog and assured members that she will catch up soon.
Treasurer Nancy Wright reported that our account balances are as follows: Savings at Charter One Bank, $1071.75; Savings at Fifth Third Bank, $1050.30; Certificate of Deposit $2074.35; and $1286.30 in our checking account.
Maria reported that she has just attended the quarterly TBG meeting where they presented the new master plan for the garden. Some of the artist’s group’s cottages may be rebuilt. Anna Kerlin reports that there are four students signed up for our July children’s program at TBG, which is scheduled for Tuesday, July 15 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Regarding the First Sunday event, which has been combined this year with the Art in the Garden event, we have not received much information yet from TBG and we will remain flexible. It does not seem that a raffle will occur, but we will prepare to demonstrate and have supplies available for a children’s project, as usual. We should be set up and ready to go by 11:00 on Sunday, August 3.
Donna Cairns reports that we had 80 projects in the box we just sent to Brooks Army Medical Center for our ongoing outreach program. We have sent a total of 600 kits to them.
Diane Myers shared correspondence that she received from Jenny Bodensteiner, Rita Perse, and Karen Trombley, former members who were not able to attend our June potluck, but who really appreciated the special invitation.
Karlyn Thompson and Diane Myers have set up a display at the Sanger Branch of the library which will be presented for the month of July.
Katherine Thompson will host a Canvas stich-in group at her home on July 15 at 6:00 pm. She will be showing a 30 minute video, The Pilgrimage Tapestry, about a 40 meter long tapestry made by primarily non-stitchers.
Su Pellitieri reported that entry forms are available for the September show. They have been mailed out and emailed out to prior participants. Members are asked to visit our website and follow the links to print out posters and flyers to promote the show.
Caren Scarbrough has nothing new from the Great Lakes Region. She reported that plans are being made for our weekend stitch-in at the 577 Foundation in Perrsburg which is scheduled for November 1.
Su Pellitieri announced that she has received a correction to the instructions for the Hardanger GCC as to page 16 in the book, as well as a warning about a variation in the depiction of the center line in basting lines on various charts in the book.
Irene Leonard will continue with the stitch of the month program.
Members congratulated Donna Mohn on her receipt of the Great Lakes Region Golden Thread Award. The nomination packet is available for members to review.
Nancy Wright provided brochures for the Wood County Fair. It is considered the best county fair in the area. It is noted that they have reworked their needlework competition categories.
Anna Kerlin has volunteer hour reporting sheets available for TBG volunteer work credit.
Caren Scarbrough spoke about tonight’s program on Chottie’s Plaid.
Sue Wiemer will be hosting a stitch-in at her cottage at Clark Lake a week from tomorrow.
Ann Rorarius displayed her finished Hearts bell-pull and described a new finishing technique that she found in a magazine.
The meeting was then adjourned. Members enjoyed refreshments and the educational program on Chottie’s Plaid, taught by Caren Scarbrough.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Meyer Hill

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Monthly meeting minutes - June 11, 2008

President Maria Nowicki brought the meeting to order at 6:30 pm in the Conference Center of the Toledo Botanical Garden on June 11, 2008. There were 38 members present and three guests. Secretary Annette Hill reported that minutes of previous meeting minutes have been posted to the blog and printouts are available tonight for review those who wish to read them. Treasurer Nancy Wright reported the following balances for our bank accounts:
Anna Kerlin reported that only 2 students have signed up for our Children’s class later this month. If there are less than 5, we will cancel the class. Those who registered may be encouraged to sign up for the July class instead.
Diane Myers is in California with her daughter, who was thrown from a horse and broke her leg. As Membership Chairman, Diane sent invitations out to previous members who no longer attend. Two of those previous members are present tonight, Patricia Miller and Pat Elijah. Nancy Wright presented hand-stitched personalized scissor fobs to our most established members, recognizing their years of membership in the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo: Donna Mohn, 34 years; Sue Hojnacki, 29 years; Irene Leonard, 26 years; Caren Scarbrough, 25 years; Anna Kerlin, 23 years; Ann Rorarius, 21 years; Annette Hill, 21 years.
Show Chairman Peverly Hormann reports that our annual show is on track. Su Pellitieri has posters, handouts, entry forms and a list of names of people who entered in 2005 to 2007 here tonight. If you take yours, please mark her list so that she doesn’t mail another to us and we will save postage. Members please distribute posters and flyers to promote our show.
Caren Scarbrough reported as our Great Lakes Region Representative that she has received the regional newsletter. The GLR will provide to each state in the region $600 each year to help sponsor each state’s “State Day.” Caren notes that the region made $2000 profit on tea cup auction.
Our chapter Library has now been moved. A list of library titles is available online.
Su reports that our newsletter deadline is on the 25th of this month. Please send Su links and articles to include.
Maria reported that we will continue to work on our annual raffle wreath, collecting ornaments with a stocking theme for raffle either for TBG or for our own benefit. It is noted that the Blade article said that there will be a raffle for the Arts in the Garden event, but it is surmised that there is not enough preparation being done by TBG and it is not expected to happen.
Caren has the book for our November program available for our review. It is “Fabric Art Journal,” by Pam Sussman, and it includes directions for all five books which Caren has on display. Purchase of the book is optional, and the cost is about $22 for those who want one. You can take notes in lieu of purchase of the book. Participants may need to bring a sewing machine, but you can do it by hand too.

TBG’s First Sunday event was held on June 1, and we had quite a few people walk through and several people try the project. Next month we assume that we will be here in the Terrace Room, unless we hear otherwise.
We will be assembling a display at the Sanger branch of the Toledo Lucas County Public Library for the month of July. Members wishing to display their handiwork should give them to Nancy Wright tonight.
Our weekly informal stitch-in is at Marilyn Freeman’s home tomorrow.
Jennifer Miller continues to get mail, although we have repeatedly advised all of the next two subsequent presidents. She passed on information concerning the Youngston Area Fall Festival which will be held Oct 17-18.
Karlyn Thompson assembled a gift bag and we will raffle it off tonight for a $1.00 a chance.
We will have door prizes at our annual show for a drawing from the information cards which visitors submit. Please consider donating items for those.
Maria reports that she received an email from Luann Glover of the Toledo Weavers Guild. They are seeking teachers for projects for a November program designed to teach teachers projects to pass onto classes. This is co-sponsored by the Ohio Art Education program. The deadline to sign up is the end of June. Maria will share the details with our members at the regular meeting. The teachers who volunteer will not be paid, but the cost of supplies for the projects will be provided.
In July we will discuss our most frustrating projects. Members were encouraged to bring theirs in and other members are encouraged to help solve any problems.
At the July meeting, Caren will be teaching Chottie’s Plaid. While inquiring about permission to use a reprint of a 1979 article, Caren spoke with Chottie Alderson’s daughter, Ashley Cash. Not only did she get permission, but Ashley is donating a copy of Chotties book which is a $15.00 value. We will use it as a prize or raffle sometime. Members should bring a sz 20 tapestry needle and scissors in order to participate in the program. Caren is donating canvas and fibers.
Members are asked to contact Su with the list of this past year’s Secret Stitcher pairings so that she can publish them in the newsletter.
Nancy Wright’s church is sponsoring a quilt show. They will also have a needlework section and she will provide information to anyone interested in exhibiting. This show is in conjunction with the Rapids Rally, in Grand Rapids, Ohio.
A guest reports that they have a client who works at library. There is an opportunity to display at the downtown branch of the library in display cases. Fall to winter dates are available, and two cases maybe available if we are interested. Members are interested and we will get more information about dates.
The business meeting was then adjourned and members proceeded with our Get It Finished program and our Annual Potluck Dinner.

Respectfully submitted,
Annette Meyer Hill