Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Monthly Meeting Minutes

July 11, 2007

The Needle Arts Guild of Toledo met at Something Extra for their regular July meeting. We were asked to find a temporary spot to meet due to a planning meeting for a master plan for TBG. Scheduling for 10 persons from around the country was difficult and July 11 was the only date could all attend.
President Marianne Mussett called the meeting to order and will contact TBG regarding our problem in rescheduling.
Guests were welcomed as well as our instructor for the evening, Linda Morris from Ft. Wayne.
Treasurer Karlyn Thompson reported a savings account balance of $2045.16 and a checking account balance of $1689.96.
Committee reports were given and we were reminded of “Arts in the Park” on August 5, 2007 from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm.
We selected regional nominating committee members and Caren Scarbrough will be our representative at the National meeting in September.
Long-time member Marge Toth passed away and there was a short discussion on our policy for memorials.
The show (September 27, 28 and 29) is progressing.
The meeting was turned over to Linda to lead us in stitching a small Assisi piece.
Thanks to Bridget Simon for use of the shop.

Donna Mohn

Monthly Meeting Minutes

June 13, 2007

The Needle Arts Guild of Toledo met for their regular monthly meeting on June 3, 2007 at 6:30 pm in the Conference Center of the Toledo Botanical Garden in the Terrace Room. The meeting opened with an enthusiastic announcement by Nancy Wright that our own Kay Griffith is the Great Lakes Regions Golden Thread Award winner. She will now be considered for the EGA national Golden Thread Award along with the twelve other regional award winners. Kay was not present at the June meeting, but will be sent a congratulatory card signed by her proud chaptermates.

President Marianne Mussett then called the meeting to order and recounted that there had been no board meeting scheduled for June, and none is scheduled for July. The next regular meeting is scheduled for July 11. The next board meeting is scheduled for August 2 at Marianne’s house. The August meeting will be especially important because our show is scheduled for September.

Treasurer Karlyn Thompson reported that the balance in our savings account is $2,045.16 and in our checking account it is $1364.96. Some of the checking account balance reflects the deposits placed for participation in the October workshop.

Secretary Annette Hill reported that recent meeting minutes are available for review and will be posted to the web site soon.

There was no report from the following committees: Membership, Education, Library, and the GLR liaison.

Regarding our Outreach Committee, Diane Myers reported that the completed bookmarks will be turned over to the Penta vocational school for use as awards for their students. Our guild will continue to collect stitchery kits for donation to the Brooks City Army medical facility.

Newsletter Chairman Su Pellitieri reported that the next deadline is June 25th. She requested that members sign up to indicate whether they will access newsletter information online, or whether they need a paper copy mailed to them. She also mentioned that we will need members to sign up to work during the show in September.

TBG Resident Organization Council representative Anna Kerlin asked the membership about donations for the Arts in the Garden raffle which we will be organizing for TBG. We have three donations of prizes, including two framed embroidered pieces and a Canvaswork scissors case and scissors. Donna Mohn reported that TBG needs volunteers to work during the Crosby Festival of the Arts on June 23 and 24. Members were reminded that these volunteer hours would count toward our volunteer hour commitment, and perhaps increase our reduction to rent credit for volunteer hours.
Show Chairman Diane Myers reported that the 2007 IRS standard for mileage reimbursement is $ 0.485 per mile for business purposes, $0.20 per mile for medical reasons, and $0.14 per mile for charitable volunteers. We will use the business standard for any upcoming contracts with teachers or judges.

Members were advised that our July program will be taught by Linda Morris of the Fort Wayne chapter of EGA. The subject is Assisi embroidery, and the project is part of the Petite Projects program. The kit fee will be less than $5.00 and the kit will include 28 count fabric and instructions. Members should bring sz 24 or 26 tapestry needles and 2 shades of medium/dark floss. There will be 30 kits available.

Member Jennifer Miller reported that in information that she had received from the national EGA office, it was reported that our local chapter has 41 members. There is widespread concern within the local membership that the membership count is not being accurately accounted for. Sue Hojnacki reports that the national office has new staff, and discussion reflected that members hope that this will improve the situation for membership renewal and accounting.

The regular meeting was adjourned and members enjoyed our annual potluck dinner. The Secret Stitcher program for 2006-2007 was concluded with members finding out who their secret benefactors were, and new names were drawn for all members who wished to participate during the coming year. Finished needlework projects were displayed during our Get It Finished program, with members receiving drawing chances for the December drawing for each project displayed.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Meyer Hill