Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo April 15, 2009

The meeting was called to order by President Caren Scarbrough at 6:30 p.m.

Ann Rorarius presented the program for this month which was a Petite Project from EGA of blackwork dolls. Ann provided directions/patterns and demonstrated how she had worked part of the pattern. She will gladly help anyone who decides to tackle this project.

We had 23 members and 2 guests attending the meeting.

Education -Irene Leonard told us of plans to have a Fall seminar on November 7, 2009 with the possible teacher being Lauren Sauer from the Cleveland area. Irene set out three designs for a vote. The price of the kit is paid by each member. We need 10 people to have Lauren come to teach the chosen design. November Chase was selected and the packet is $65.00.
The remaining two plans were well liked also, so we may decide to have other seminars later in the year. Another project of interest, possibly a year from now, is A Secret Garden Revisited, a folded needlecase. You do the stitching and then attend the class to learn how to finish the project. EGA sent information on extended study classes. The Heart of Shenandoah books
arrived and are available for those who signed up for one.

Diane Myers had a basket to take to GLR Seminar with all sorts of goodies to share. The Toledo MudHens are having a stitch and pitch on June 25th at 7:00 p.m. Register on their website and make sure to say you are with NAGT.

Marilyn Freeman introduced our two guests: Kelly Jackson and Ann Simmons.

Kay Griffin has started the kissing pillows for soldiers project and passed out kits to anyone who wanted to participate. Please have them completed by the June meeting so they can be used for an August deployment.

Newsletter- Su Pellitieri said the deadline will be after GLR seminar, so have items to her by 1st weekend in May. She would appreciate information on teachers, special projects, hints and tips for stitchers, such as how Su found a different use for ammo boxes...they hold lots of threads!
Caren asked for information about seminar that she can use in the President's letter.

Program - Kim Carles-Hammer said the May meeting will be completing the Biscornu project with Sue Hojnacki and the June program will be Christine Hampshire sharing the process she went through for her EGA Master Craftsman, our Potluck dinner and Get It Finished.

Treasurer's Report-Nancy Wright reported as of 3/18/09 we have $2,048.15 in our Charter One Checking account and $1,074.41 in our Charter One Savings account; 5/3 CD is $2,126.25 and 5/3 Savings is $1,050.85.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.