Wednesday, November 12, 2008


President-Elect Caren Scarbrough presided in the absence of President Maria Nowicki. She brought the November meeting of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo to order at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, October 8, 2008 in the Terrace Room of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo. The meeting had been rescheduled to 7:00 due to the use of the Terrace Room by the Board of Directors of the Toledo Botanical Garden. There were 27 members present, and one guest, Barbara McMines, from the state of Oregon who attended with her relative, Diane Myers.
Annette Hill reported that minutes of recent meetings have been posted to the blog and copies are available this evening for review. Annette also reported on the Great Lakes Region Fall Meeting which she attended on September 20, 2008 in Dayton, Ohio. The GLR committee reports are available for review by members. She reported that Melba Moore is collecting projects to be collected into an updated Pandora’s Box for distribution among member chapters for use as meeting programs.
Caren thanked our Show Chairman, Peverley Hormann and Show Registrar, Su Pellitieri, and all members who helped for their efforts in bringing about another very successful exhibit. She then invited members to name their favorite stitching tool as they introduced themselves.
Newsletter Editor Su Pellitieri advised members that our free website at AOL would not be free anymore. Su and her husband, Tom, will investigate our options and report back. Annette Hill reported that at the Regional Fall Meeting, Representatives were reminded that chapters may have a free web page in conjunction with the GLR website.
Diane Myers, who assisted our Judge during our September annual show, was asked to explain some of the judge's decisions. She reported that in some larger categories, the judge split the category into separate sub-categories for large pieces and small pieces, which explains some of the confusion about ribbons within the same category having different scores.
Anna Kerlin reported that the Resident Organization Council for TBG will meet next Wednesday, October 15. She also reported that we have 204 ½ hours volunteer credit toward next year.
Donna Cairns reported that we received 54 kits at our annual show to send to the Brooks Army Medical Center. We received another recognition and thank you certificate from them, which was passed for members to see. Donna told members that she met Catherine Depew at our show who had come specifically because of mention in The Blade of this program. She is the mother of a serviceman who was killed in service and wrote a book called The Blue Star.
Program Chairman Irene Leonard advised members that she had received an email from an inactive member asking about whether we would be participating in the Soldier’s Kissing Pillows program which was written up in Needle Arts. Sue Hojnacki will investigate the program further and report back to members. Irene advised members that this month’s stitch of the month program will be on filling stitches. In November, members are asked to bring in heirloom needlework to share.
Outgoing Show Chairman Peverley Hormann thanked all members who helped us present another successful show.
Su Pellitieri reported that our Moonlight Sonata Group Correspondence Course pieces are due at the December meeting. Members should advise her if they will be completing the pieces in time to submit them to the teacher for evaluation.
Diane Myers advised members that she prepared maps for members to the 577 Foundation in Perrysburg for our November 1 stitching program on Cloth Journals. A sign-up sheet was passed for the potluck lunch which members will share. Members may still sign up to participate, but the book order has already been sent in. There is a room cost of $150.00. Members voted that this fee will be paid from the guild treasury.
Caren asked for volunteers for our Nominating Committee. We will need nominees for President-Elect, Program Chairman, Assistant Program Chairman, Secretary and Assistant Show Chairman. Marianne Mussett, Nancy Wright and Sue Hojnacki volunteered. The slate of nominees will be presented at the November meeting and voting will take place. Installment of new officers will be at the December meeting.
Caren reminded members to complete their stocking-themed ornaments for our wreath and get them to Cathy Studer, who will assemble the wreath for our December raffle.
If members are not wearing their nametags this evening, they are asked to contribute $0.25 to the kitty. Gifts from Secret Stitches were distributed. Tonight’s gift bag drawing was contributed by Irene Leonard. Our November gift bag will be donated by Peverley Hormann. Members were reminded that in December, we will have our annual cookie exchange and ornament exchange.
Caren then asked for discussion about bringing in a well-known teacher for a workshop, perhaps in the spring of 2009. Members are asked to submit suggestions and we will investigate them in the coming months.
Sue Hojnacki and other members shared information with members concerning the Shining Needle Society, which is a web-based group which offers embroidery classes and online discussion groups. Joining the group is free. There are fees for classes. Gay Ann Rogers and Jane Zimmerman are both involved and there are a lot of great classes offered.
Historian Katherine Thompson will be assembling a scrapbook to commemorate this year. Members are asked to send her any photos or information that should be included.
Several members are interested in rejuvenating our evening stitch-ins. They will be held on the third Tuesday of each month from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The next one will be at Katherine Thompson’s home on October 21. The daytime stitch-ins continue every Thursday. This week’s is at Kay Griffith’s home in Defiance, Ohio.
Members were advised that the 2009 Ohio State Day will be held in Ohio’s Amish country on Saturday, April 25. The Great Lakes Regional Seminar will be held in Dearborn, Michigan. Brochures are available in printed and online formats.
The meeting was then adjourned for refreshments and the filling stitch program.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Meyer Hill

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


President Maria Nowicki presided over the regular monthly meeting of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo on Wednesday, September 10, 2008, bringing the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. The meeting time had been delayed a half hour due to use of the Terrace Room by the Toledo Botanical Garden Administration. There were 25 members present.
Secretary Annette Hill reported that the minutes from recent meetings have all been posted to the blog, and printed copies are also available for review. Treasurer Nancy Wright reports that our bank account balances are as follows: Savings, $1050.48; Savings CD, $1071.75; Savings CD $2126.25; and Checking $1431.30.
TBG Resident Organization Council Representative Anna Kerlin reports that there has not been a meeting since she last reported, but advises that she needs members who volunteered at TBG in the last quarter to complete their volunteer hour reporting forms for her the past quarter to submit to TBG.
Membership Chairman Diane Myers reports that our national dues will soon shift to all members being due for renewal on June 1 of each year. We will get more information concerning the transition soon.
Program Chairman Irene Leonard described our upcoming programs. We continue with our stitch of the month programs, tonight studying some special motif stitches. In October we will investigate filling stitches. In November, members are invited to bring in heirloom embroidered items to display and share their stories. Irene asks that those members who stitched the Hearts project, but either did not complete them, or decided not to formally enter them in the show, please bring your work for an informal display of typical programs during the show.
Show Chairman Peverley Hormann has requested that members sign up to volunteer at the show this weekend. According to Show Registrar, Su Pellitieri, our greatest need for volunteers is tomorrow, on Thursday, from 3:00 to 8:00 pm to set up. Se advises that there were problems with our online registration procedures, and described her efforts to provide remedial procedures.
Great Lakes Region Representative Caren Scarbrough reports that the Regional Newsletter mentioned our chapter member Donna Mohn and her recent honor to receive the GLR Golden Thread Award, noting that the national award went to Margaret Kinsey.
Caren thanked Annette Hill for agreeing to attend the upcoming GLR fall meeting in Dayton on September 20.
Newsletter Editor Su Pellitieri reports that the next submission deadline is October 25, 2008, and thanked Diane Myers for recent material submitted for publication.
Su reported that the Moonlight Sonata Group Correspondence Course pieces will be due for submission for evaluation in December and encourages members to work diligently.
Caren Scarbrough asked that members sign up soon if you wish to purchase the book for the fabric books that we will be constructing during our November Saturday program at the 577 Foundation in Perrysburg. She will be ordering the books next week.
Maria reported that we will be forming a Nominating Committee next month, with elections to be scheduled for November, and installation of new officers to occur in December.
Several members attended the National Seminar in Louisville at the beginning of September and shared their experiences and projects with the guild. Members were advised that preregistration is available for next year’s national seminar in Pittsburgh until September 15. A $100 downpayment will hold your spot in a preregistered class. Classes often fill fast and go to lottery and in that case, only preregistered participants will have a spot in the class.
The meeting was then adjourned for refreshments, followed by the educational program on special motif stitches led by Program Chairman Irene Leonard.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Meyer Hill

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo - August 13, 2008

The Needle Arts Guild of Toledo met on August 13, 2008 at 6:30 pm in the Terrace Room of the Conference Center at the Toledo Botanical Garden. President Maria Nowicki opened the meeting by inviting members to purchase chances for an opportunity drawing gift which was donated by Annette Hill. All members introduced themselves and told about their favorite vacation location. There were 26 members present, including 2 new members, and one guest. Welcome Committee Chairman Marilyn Freeman introduced the two new members and the guest.
Secretary Annette Hill reported that copies of all recent meeting minutes are available for review and have been posted to the blog.
Treasurer Nancy Wright reported that our bank account balances are as follows: Savings $1050.39; Checking $1325.30; Savings CD $1071.75; CD $2108.69 which will mature on August 28, 2008 which we will reinvest in another CD.
Anna Kerlin attended a recent meeting of the Resident Organization Council, although they are no longer recognized by TBTG. We have been asked to report to Melissa our plans for Heralding the Holidays in December. We will continue with our plans to make a wreath to raffle ornamented with stocking themed ornaments. We will consider demonstrating embroidery while attending to the raffle drawing. If there is a problem from TBG about us doing raffles for ourselves, ROC suggested that maybe we could then donate 10% of proceeds to TBG.
Show Chairman Peverley Hormann distributed sign-up sheets for volunteers for the show in September.
Maria asked for donations of items from members for opportunity drawing gifts for visitors to the show. Maria advised that Su Pellitieri reports that the next newsletter deadline is about August 28. Members are asked to submit news or neat web links to Su for publication.
Beth Thompson relayed information from Su Pellitieri concerning the Group Correspondence Course, Moonlight Sonata. Members of the group will gather after our meeting to discuss class progress, and some confusion about instructions.
Those members who participated in our children’s class reported that it “was a hoot!” All the kids left with a finished project and with supplies to complete another.
At Art in the Garden, we established a new contact with society editor for Toledo’s City Paper who will do an article about our show.
Caren Scarbrough presented a display of samples of cloth books which are the subject of our November 1 Saturday stitch-in program. She encouraged members to pick out fabrics to coordinate with our stitching samples. She will continue to take orders for the books, and she will order all of them at one time. Members decided to have a potluck lunch that day. In October we will circulate a sign-up sheet to insure that we have a variety of dishes.
Members discussed including some non-judged displays at our annual show. Members are encouraged to bring their stitch of the month samples, and any unfinished Hearts projects.
The Stan Hewitt show is October 2, 3, 4 & 5 and the Stan Hewitt guild is also offering a class in November. Additional information will be available in the newsletter.
A former member of our chapter who is now retired has indicated that she is interested in acquiring various sized dowels for embroidery frames. Any member who may be able to help can contact Donna Mohn for her contact information.
Maria Nowicki, Karlyn Thompson, and Jennifer Miller told of the wonderful time they had at Michigan State Day, and the great door prizes that they won!
Jenny Kronberg and Karlyn Thompson were congratulated for the ribbons they won at local county fairs.
Jo Waggoner shared information about a book on the Guernsey Island Tapestry. This was a project done in modern times reflecting the traditions of the island.
This evening’s opportunity drawing was won by Caren Scarbrough and raised $30.00 for the chapter treasury.
The meeting was adjourned for refreshments and the education program on Insertion Stitches with Program Chairman, Irene Leonard.

Respectfully submitted,
Annette Meyer Hill

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Monthly meeting minutes - July 9, 2008

Maria Nowicki brought the monthly meeting to order at 6:30 pm on July 9, 2008 in the Conference Center of the Toledo Botanical Garden. There were 22 members present and 3 guests. Maria began the meeting with an ice breaker. Members introduced themselves and briefly described their most frustrating embroidery project.
Secretary Annette Hill apologized for being behind in posting minutes of past meetings to the blog and assured members that she will catch up soon.
Treasurer Nancy Wright reported that our account balances are as follows: Savings at Charter One Bank, $1071.75; Savings at Fifth Third Bank, $1050.30; Certificate of Deposit $2074.35; and $1286.30 in our checking account.
Maria reported that she has just attended the quarterly TBG meeting where they presented the new master plan for the garden. Some of the artist’s group’s cottages may be rebuilt. Anna Kerlin reports that there are four students signed up for our July children’s program at TBG, which is scheduled for Tuesday, July 15 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Regarding the First Sunday event, which has been combined this year with the Art in the Garden event, we have not received much information yet from TBG and we will remain flexible. It does not seem that a raffle will occur, but we will prepare to demonstrate and have supplies available for a children’s project, as usual. We should be set up and ready to go by 11:00 on Sunday, August 3.
Donna Cairns reports that we had 80 projects in the box we just sent to Brooks Army Medical Center for our ongoing outreach program. We have sent a total of 600 kits to them.
Diane Myers shared correspondence that she received from Jenny Bodensteiner, Rita Perse, and Karen Trombley, former members who were not able to attend our June potluck, but who really appreciated the special invitation.
Karlyn Thompson and Diane Myers have set up a display at the Sanger Branch of the library which will be presented for the month of July.
Katherine Thompson will host a Canvas stich-in group at her home on July 15 at 6:00 pm. She will be showing a 30 minute video, The Pilgrimage Tapestry, about a 40 meter long tapestry made by primarily non-stitchers.
Su Pellitieri reported that entry forms are available for the September show. They have been mailed out and emailed out to prior participants. Members are asked to visit our website and follow the links to print out posters and flyers to promote the show.
Caren Scarbrough has nothing new from the Great Lakes Region. She reported that plans are being made for our weekend stitch-in at the 577 Foundation in Perrsburg which is scheduled for November 1.
Su Pellitieri announced that she has received a correction to the instructions for the Hardanger GCC as to page 16 in the book, as well as a warning about a variation in the depiction of the center line in basting lines on various charts in the book.
Irene Leonard will continue with the stitch of the month program.
Members congratulated Donna Mohn on her receipt of the Great Lakes Region Golden Thread Award. The nomination packet is available for members to review.
Nancy Wright provided brochures for the Wood County Fair. It is considered the best county fair in the area. It is noted that they have reworked their needlework competition categories.
Anna Kerlin has volunteer hour reporting sheets available for TBG volunteer work credit.
Caren Scarbrough spoke about tonight’s program on Chottie’s Plaid.
Sue Wiemer will be hosting a stitch-in at her cottage at Clark Lake a week from tomorrow.
Ann Rorarius displayed her finished Hearts bell-pull and described a new finishing technique that she found in a magazine.
The meeting was then adjourned. Members enjoyed refreshments and the educational program on Chottie’s Plaid, taught by Caren Scarbrough.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Meyer Hill

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Monthly meeting minutes - June 11, 2008

President Maria Nowicki brought the meeting to order at 6:30 pm in the Conference Center of the Toledo Botanical Garden on June 11, 2008. There were 38 members present and three guests. Secretary Annette Hill reported that minutes of previous meeting minutes have been posted to the blog and printouts are available tonight for review those who wish to read them. Treasurer Nancy Wright reported the following balances for our bank accounts:
Anna Kerlin reported that only 2 students have signed up for our Children’s class later this month. If there are less than 5, we will cancel the class. Those who registered may be encouraged to sign up for the July class instead.
Diane Myers is in California with her daughter, who was thrown from a horse and broke her leg. As Membership Chairman, Diane sent invitations out to previous members who no longer attend. Two of those previous members are present tonight, Patricia Miller and Pat Elijah. Nancy Wright presented hand-stitched personalized scissor fobs to our most established members, recognizing their years of membership in the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo: Donna Mohn, 34 years; Sue Hojnacki, 29 years; Irene Leonard, 26 years; Caren Scarbrough, 25 years; Anna Kerlin, 23 years; Ann Rorarius, 21 years; Annette Hill, 21 years.
Show Chairman Peverly Hormann reports that our annual show is on track. Su Pellitieri has posters, handouts, entry forms and a list of names of people who entered in 2005 to 2007 here tonight. If you take yours, please mark her list so that she doesn’t mail another to us and we will save postage. Members please distribute posters and flyers to promote our show.
Caren Scarbrough reported as our Great Lakes Region Representative that she has received the regional newsletter. The GLR will provide to each state in the region $600 each year to help sponsor each state’s “State Day.” Caren notes that the region made $2000 profit on tea cup auction.
Our chapter Library has now been moved. A list of library titles is available online.
Su reports that our newsletter deadline is on the 25th of this month. Please send Su links and articles to include.
Maria reported that we will continue to work on our annual raffle wreath, collecting ornaments with a stocking theme for raffle either for TBG or for our own benefit. It is noted that the Blade article said that there will be a raffle for the Arts in the Garden event, but it is surmised that there is not enough preparation being done by TBG and it is not expected to happen.
Caren has the book for our November program available for our review. It is “Fabric Art Journal,” by Pam Sussman, and it includes directions for all five books which Caren has on display. Purchase of the book is optional, and the cost is about $22 for those who want one. You can take notes in lieu of purchase of the book. Participants may need to bring a sewing machine, but you can do it by hand too.

TBG’s First Sunday event was held on June 1, and we had quite a few people walk through and several people try the project. Next month we assume that we will be here in the Terrace Room, unless we hear otherwise.
We will be assembling a display at the Sanger branch of the Toledo Lucas County Public Library for the month of July. Members wishing to display their handiwork should give them to Nancy Wright tonight.
Our weekly informal stitch-in is at Marilyn Freeman’s home tomorrow.
Jennifer Miller continues to get mail, although we have repeatedly advised all of the next two subsequent presidents. She passed on information concerning the Youngston Area Fall Festival which will be held Oct 17-18.
Karlyn Thompson assembled a gift bag and we will raffle it off tonight for a $1.00 a chance.
We will have door prizes at our annual show for a drawing from the information cards which visitors submit. Please consider donating items for those.
Maria reports that she received an email from Luann Glover of the Toledo Weavers Guild. They are seeking teachers for projects for a November program designed to teach teachers projects to pass onto classes. This is co-sponsored by the Ohio Art Education program. The deadline to sign up is the end of June. Maria will share the details with our members at the regular meeting. The teachers who volunteer will not be paid, but the cost of supplies for the projects will be provided.
In July we will discuss our most frustrating projects. Members were encouraged to bring theirs in and other members are encouraged to help solve any problems.
At the July meeting, Caren will be teaching Chottie’s Plaid. While inquiring about permission to use a reprint of a 1979 article, Caren spoke with Chottie Alderson’s daughter, Ashley Cash. Not only did she get permission, but Ashley is donating a copy of Chotties book which is a $15.00 value. We will use it as a prize or raffle sometime. Members should bring a sz 20 tapestry needle and scissors in order to participate in the program. Caren is donating canvas and fibers.
Members are asked to contact Su with the list of this past year’s Secret Stitcher pairings so that she can publish them in the newsletter.
Nancy Wright’s church is sponsoring a quilt show. They will also have a needlework section and she will provide information to anyone interested in exhibiting. This show is in conjunction with the Rapids Rally, in Grand Rapids, Ohio.
A guest reports that they have a client who works at library. There is an opportunity to display at the downtown branch of the library in display cases. Fall to winter dates are available, and two cases maybe available if we are interested. Members are interested and we will get more information about dates.
The business meeting was then adjourned and members proceeded with our Get It Finished program and our Annual Potluck Dinner.

Respectfully submitted,
Annette Meyer Hill

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Monthly Meeting Minutes - May 14, 2008

President Maria Nowicki brought the meeting to order at 6:30 pm on May 14, 2008 in the Terrace Room of the Toledo Botanical Garden Conference Center. Secretary Annette Hill reported that copies of the April board meeting and April monthly meeting minutes are available for review and have been posted to the blog. There were 26 members and 2 guests present. In the absence of the Treasurer, Nancy Wright, Secretary Annette Hill read the account balances to members from the May board meeting minute notes. The checking account has a balance of $1735.34; the savings account balance is $1000.03; and the CD balance is $1074.35.
Maria invited all members to introduce themselves and then share with each other what their favorite needlework technique is.
TBG Resident Organization Council Representative Anna Kerlin reported that Maria attended the Arts in the Garden organizational meeting. Anna reports that some groups do not want to combine this event with the first Sunday events. TBG won’t be charging the $25 participation fee per group as in the past for Arts in the Garden participation because they have better sponsorship. We can do whatever we want while we participate: demonstrate, sell items or whatever. We don’t have to run a raffle for the event in lieu of the fee. It was discussed that we could make a wreath and raffle it for our own benefit. We will proceed with our wreath for Heralding the Holidays and be flexible. If they don’t want it, we’ll raffle it for our own benefit. Maria asked for a volunteer to assemble the wreath. Cathy Studer will assemble it and Annette Hill will help produce a booklet to list who stitched and donated the ornaments embellishing the wreath.
At the May First Sunday event, we did not have a sign, and the map did not say who was in our building. We have been told that if we want a sign we cannot do our own, we must buy through their provider to keep them standardized. Our May 4 participation in first Sunday resulted in 2 children who participated in the plastic canvas project Anna Kerlin provided.
Anna reported that TBG has a volunteer opportunity to set up tables for the volunteer awards event and that anyone interested should contact Toni Moore, Volunteer Coordinator. Toni just supplied forms that we can complete to let her know what kind of things we would like to be available to volunteer for. The application form asks for two personal references. Quarterly meetings for presidents or other representatives of all organizations with the administration of TBG will continue.
Program Chairman Irene Leonard announced that the Back to Basics program this month will deal with the Satin stitch along with some really different variations. The Hearts program is wrapping up so that all members can have them complete by the time of our annual show in September. Irene asked for input about our next group project, suggesting Elegance from the Past, which teaches insertions and pulled thread techniques, or a pulled thread sampler. Such a program will begin later this year. Members can look at both projects on the national website. Materials needed for both projects are minimal. Irene reported that in July Caren Scarbrough will teach our Back to Basics Stitch of the Month, Chottie’s Plaid.
Su Pellitieri has been preparing updated forms for our annual show. She summarized an article which she recently wrote for our newsletter regarding our guidelines for the Adaptation category. The new forms will reflect a new requirement that nothing will be accepted as an adaptation without documentation about the adaptations. Su asked if anyone had any problems accessing the newsletter, now that it is being published predominantly on the internet, and announced that extra printed copies are available tonight for guests and members who need a copy. She also asked that members supply her with web links to interesting embroidery-related sites.
GLR Representative Caren Scarbrough announced that she has two copies of the seminar catalog for the next Regional Seminar sponsored by the Monguagon Chapter. She attended the spring Regional meeting at the recent Regional Seminar in Madison, Wisconsin, and reported that a vote was taken on a proposal from the GLR Board to establish a fund for an annual scholarship for a first time seminar participant. Chapter Representatives defeated the proposal because they want more information, the establishment of guidelines for choosing the winners, and more input from the chapter members. Caren also reported that another issue discussed was the surplus of money in the Regional treasury. Revenues reported reflected income from the Regional Seminar in 2007 in Chicago totaled $29,000.00. Many chapter members feel that it is not appropriate for the GLR to be maintaining such high asset balances, and that the money should be used to provide services to members. Caren asked for suggestions to pass to Regional for how to spend it. One idea presented was for the GLR to pay GCC teacher’s fees for chapters to encourage participation.
Librarian Katherine Thompson reported that our library is still stored in the cupboard in the hallway, and she will advise members if the location is changed.
Anna Kerlin reported that there is only one participant signed up so far for the children’s class that we will be teaching at TBG this summer on June 24, and none yet for the July 15 program. The Fish and Worm design is available for review by members. TBG has had only limited promotion for the events so far, and will advertise more later. Please let Maria or Anna know if you would like to help.
Maria reported that our nomination of Donna Mohn for the Golden Thread Award has been completed and submitted.
Diane Myers reported about arrangements for a Stitch-In Day at the Stranahan House at the 577 Foundation in Perrysburg. We have reserved the facility for Saturday, November 1, when Caren Scarbrough will teach participants construction techniques for a cloth book. Caren has samples tonight for members to examine. This can be used to display members’ Back to Basics Stitch of the Month swatches. She plans on having muslin kits available and the morning of the Stitch-In would be used to make a muslin sample book. The afternoon would be used to start our stitch of the month books, which could use whatever materials participants wish.
As Membership Chairman, Diane Myers reminded members who are due to renew their EGA membership. She also reported that at our June Potluck meeting, we would like to make a special effort to invite former members back. Members are encouraged to provide names of prior members to her with contact information, if it is available.
Diane also presented another idea for an event which members decided to begin presenting. Members will volunteer to take turns to bring gift baskets and we will sell chances for a drawing for $1.00 each, with the proceeds to go into our general fund. Karlyn Thompson will provide the gift for the June meeting drawing.
After Nancy Wright’s appearance on the What D’ya Know program with Michael Feldman on NPR, Diane emailed our National EGA office to let them know that Nancy was promoting EGA on a national program. We received a thank you note from Carol Dann.
Diane Myers is also organizing the display which will be installed at the Sanger Branch of the library for July. There are two display cases available for items to sit on shelves, not to be hung. Members are encouraged to bring items to the June meeting for the display, marked with the members name.
Karlyn Thompson reported on a Michigan State Day program sponsored by the Sampler Guild in Michigan. There are four class choices available which are detailed on the brochures which Karlynn provided. The workshop will be held in Plymouth, Michigan at the St John’s Golf and Conference Center.
Su Pellitieri announced to participants of the Hardanger Group Correspondence Course that the books have arrived and she will be distributing them.
The meeting was then adjourned. Refreshments were shared and Irene presented the educational programs.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Meyer Hill

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Monthly Meeting Minutes - April 9, 2008

President Maria Nowicki presided over the meeting which was scheduled for 6:30 pm in the Conference Center of the Toledo Botanical Garden in the Terrace Room. There were 27 members present and one guest. Maria was still attending a required meeting of Resident Organization officers with the TBG Board, so Program Chairman Irene Leonard called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm. Irene shared printouts of canvas and embroidery stitches which are posted on the member pages of EGA’s website. Irene then presented our educational program on the Rhodes Stitch with variations.
Maria began the business portion of the meeting at 6:55 pm. Secretary Annette Hill reported that minutes of previous meetings have been posted to the NAGT blog and copies were provided for members to review. Treasurer Nancy Wright reported that our savings account balance is $1070.42. Nancy transferred $1000 into a CD account which will pay a $50.00 bonus upon maturity. That account has earned $3.00 in interest, which leaves us with a $1003.00 balance. Our checking account balance is $1490.84.
Outreach Chairman Beth Thompson explained to members that information about our kit donations to the Brooks Army medical center did not make it into the recent Needlearts edition due to space considerations. She has been told that it will be in the next issue.
Membership Chairman Diane Myers provided membership cards to all members present.
Show Chairman Peverley Hormann confirmed that our annual show is scheduled for September 13 and 14 at the Sanger Branch of the Toledo Lucas County Library. We also have the facility reserved for the 11th and 12th for set-up. It was noted that the national seminar is the week prior to the show, so there is no conflict for members.
GLR Representative reported that she will attend the regional meeting at seminar in Madison, Wisconsin.
Library Chairman Katherine Thompson reports that Su Pellitieri has had communication from a ROC member with news from TBG administration and they want everything we own out of the building and all locks removed from the cabinets by April 21. Maria adds that Janet Schroeder asked if we would move our things from our locked cupboards into different cupboards in the storage area behind our current cabinets. They don’t want chains and locks visible in the hallway.
Maria reported regarding the meeting that was held with TBG staff this evening. They discussed the master plan for development at TBG, and the plan for a children’s garden. They have currently raised half of the money they need. Water meters have now been installed in each cottage and there is confusion about who is paying for the water now. The City previously paid its own water department for its own park’s usage. In the future, it is billing the resident organizations instead. However, outdoor spigots on the cottages are being used to water the gardens, which means the organizations end up paying for the city’s usage. The resident organizations will continue to address this problem.
Maria reported that an organizational meeting run by TBG staff for the Arts in the Gardens event is scheduled for April 29. Secretary Annette Hill noted that previous minutes indicate that the Resident Organization Council has scheduled an organizational meeting for that event on April 25. Those members involved with our participation should be aware of this conflict and potential conflicts in planning. May 4 is the first First Sundays event. Our group plans on attending and doing informal exhibits and demonstrations as the public browses. The First Sunday events will be held in the months of May, June, July and August. TBG also asks that we all begin gearing up to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of TBG which will occur in 2014.
Welcoming Committee Chairman Marilyn Freeman introduced our guest, Yvonne Dupont. Maria suggested that we start introducing ourselves each month and share a bit of information about ourselves so that old and new members alike get to know each other better. All members then shared who inspired them as they began to embroider.
Newsletter Chairman Su Pellitieri reported that the next newsletter deadline is April 25 and the publication date is May 1. As GCC Group Leader, Su will mail our check to EGA soon and our first meeting for the Hardanger GCC will be held approximately six weeks later, perhaps in early June. Su also has updated membership lists available for members.
Kay Griffith advised members who are working on The Village Green project to use 4 strands of the cotton floss instead of the recommended 3 when working the houses in order to assure adequate coverage.
The meeting was then adjourned and members shared refreshments and visited with each other.

Respectfully submitted,
Annette Meyer Hill

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Monthly Meeting Minutes - March 12, 2008

President Maria Nowicki brought the March meeting to order at 6:30 pm in the Terrace Room of the Conference Center at the Toledo Botanical Garden. There were 23 members present, and a guest speaker. Toni Moore, Volunteer Coordinator for TBG talked about 2008 Special Events and Volunteer Hour documentation. She also requested help during the annual Plant Sale, which is scheduled for May 5 – 12. Members then proceeded with our Get It Finished display in order to display our handiwork for Toni’s benefit.
Treasurer Nancy Wright reported that we have a balance of $1175.84 in our checking account, $2069.52 in our savings account, and $2000 in a CD. We will divert $1000 to a different CD which will render a $50.00 bonus in addition to the interest. Nancy is still working with bank officers to get the proper signatures on file on all of our accounts for our newly installed officers.
Resident Organization Council Representative Anna Kerlin reports that although the organization is not recognized by TBG any longer, they will continue to meet at the Artist’s Club building. They will have a kick-off meeting for organizing Arts in the Garden on April 25 at noon. The event will be held in early August.
There was no report from the Outreach or Education Committees. Welcoming Committee Chairman Marilyn Freeman announced that a guest named Marilyn Welling is present tonight.
Membership Chairman Diane Myers reported that some members are due to renew membership and that she is preparing membership cards for all members.
Show Chairman, Peverly Hormann, secured a volunteer, Marilyn Freeman, to host our show judge and one guest at her home during our annual show in September. The show is tentatively scheduled for September 11-14 at Sanger branch of the library. Scheduling at the library is not confirmed this far in advance.
GLR Representative Caren Scarbrough will attend the spring meeting at the Regional Seminar in Madison, Wisconsin on our behalf. Openings are still available for classes at Seminar. Caren also advised members about an article in Needlepoint Now about the embroidery seminars offered at Calloway. The originator of those programs has also started a website called the Shining Needle Society. The EGA National magazine, Needlearts, promotes Jane Ellen Balzuweit’s ribbon candies class, for which Jane Ellen credits our deceased member, Shirley Fischer, for inspiration.
There was no report for the Library.
Maria reported that the Michigan State Day will be held on Saturday, July 19, 2008. Details will be available in the newsletter.
Anna Kerlin reported on our upcoming children’s outreach project in conjunction with TBG’s summer classes program. We will offer a plastic canvas project class on Tuesday, June 24 from 9:30 to 11:30 am and the same class again on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 from 1 to 3 pm. Anna provided copies of the fish and worm patterns which we will teach. The children will be able to use them to create either a bookmark or a piece of jewelry. The design fits well with the Nature theme at a botanical garden. Members are asked to try out the pattern and to volunteer to help with teaching the classes.
A sign-up sheet was passed for members to provide refreshments for our regular monthly meetings. Maria then asked for nominations for this year’s Gold Thread Award. Kay Griffith nominated Donna Mohn. Marianne Mussett seconded the motion. Members voted to confirm the nomination. Nancy Wright will research and write the nomination packet.
Maria advised members that the national EGA website now has member-only pages for our information. To access them, members must log-in. Instructions for that process have been distributed to members on the agenda for tonight’s meeting.
Su Pellitieri advised that those members who are participating in the Group Correspondence Course must pay $52.50 for the fee and book.
Maria provided information to members about the Extended Study programs available through the national EGA office. The classes are: Textile Design for Liturgical Spaces, taught by Marilyn Doyle; Contemporary Stumpwork, by Marsha Papay Gomola; and a Crewel Master Class, by Judy Jeroy.
Maria then requested feedback from members about our relationship with TBG regarding the recent changes concerning the ROC. Some members are frustrated by the occasional cancellation of our room reservation and displacement to the Stables. Not all members feel that frustration.
Donna Cairns reports that she recently shipped a box of stitching kits to Brooks Army medical center and she almost has another box full to ship.
The meeting was then adjourned and refreshments were shared. Program Chairman, Irene Leonard, then presented another edition of our Back to Basics program on the Fly Stitch, and the first steps in the Heart project.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Meyer Hill

Monthly Meeting Minutes - February 13, 2008

Marianne Mussett, Past President, brought the meeting to order at 6:40 pm on February 12, 2008 in the absence of President Maria Nowicki. There were 17 members present. The meeting was held in the Stables at the Conference Center of the Toledo Botanical Garden, having been moved there when it was discovered that the Board of TBG took the Terrace Room for their meeting at 6:00. Marianne attended that meeting until 6:30, and Secretary Annette Hill remained in that meeting until it’s completion at 6:45. Marianne began the meeting of the NAGT with a report of the TBG Board meeting.
The Board of TBG has advised all resident organizations that new charters will be required from all groups. The administration of TBG will no longer recognize the Resident Organization Council. Either the president or an authorized representative of each Resident Organization must attend quarterly meetings with members of the TBG Board instead. All organizations must supply contact information for all of their members and all members will be solicited for membership in TBG, although that information will not be divulged to outside entities. Fees are not being increased. Resident organizations are expected to participate in the First Sundays events, Arts in the Garden and Heralding the Holidays. TBG is sponsoring a Resident Artist in May, a cartoonist, who will be here in Toledo for three weeks. Annette will advise Maria of the changes and provide the new charter for Maria to sign and return to the Garden. Members voted to sign the charter because TBG will not provide us our remaining 2007 meeting space usage until it is returned.
Membership Chairman Diane Myers reported that the Sanger Branch of the Toledo Lucas County Library will have a display case available for our use in July. We will use the cases to promote our annual show which is tentatively scheduled for September at the library. Outreach Chairman, Beth Thompson, will assist with the display.
Marianne reports that TBG has volunteer opportunities available for the Seed Swap. Members were asked to sign up and the list will be provided to the contact for the event, Toni Moore. Information was passed to members concerning the GLR R.O.S.E. State Day in Richmond, Indiana. The theme is “Tying Friends Together” and the event is scheduled for October 10-11, 2008. Contact Joyce Anne Baldwin at for more information.
Members were also advised that EGA’s Ohio State Day is on July 12, 2008 in Dublin, Ohio. The theme is “With My Needle” and Ellen Chester will teach “Friends in Stitches,” a needlecase project, from 9 am to 3 pm. Registration begins at 8 am. More information is available at
Michigan State Day will be held in Plymouth on July 19, 2008. Four classes will be offered, vendors will be present, and a teacup auction will be held. It will be held at St. John’s Golf and Conference Center. Members may contact for more information.
A sign-up sheet was passed for volunteers to provide refreshments for our meetings.
We still need volunteers for September, October and November. There was no report from the Librarian.
Karlyn Thompson reported that we received a thank you note from EGA National Executive Director, Anita Streeter, for our donation of $110.00 for the endowment fund in memory of Marge Toth.
Newsletter Editor Su Pellitieri advised members that the deadline for the next newsletter is February 25 and it will be published approximately on March 1. She also reminded members that she is organizing a GCC for Hardanger embroidery. The sign-up list is open until March. Eleven members have signed up so far. The course will begin in April or May and meeting times will be arranged later.
Marianne led discussion about membership development. Members are encouraged to send in stitching tips for our newsletter. Members are investigating a sociable gathering, perhaps on a Saturday, and it might be held at the 577 Foundation in Perrysburg, Ohio. A shopping excursion might also be planned and members are asked to submit suggestions for stitching shops to include on the trip.
Program Chairman Irene Leonard will keep information about each of our monthly Back to Basic stitch programs available to compile as a set to distribute to guests and new members.
Anna Kerlin reported that a design has been chosen for our children’s class this summer at TBG. It is a plastic canvas fish and worm that can be used as a bookmark or a piece of jewelry. Annette Hill will donate the necessary yarn. We can count the preparation hours for volunteer credit at TBG.
Irene Leonard showed her sample of the Hearts program which we will be working on this year and she encourages everyone to have their version done for entry in our September show. Members were asked to have the outlines of the hearts, or whatever motif we have chosen, completed by the next meeting. For our Back to Basics program, the January Chain Stitch instructions are available, and our stitch tonight is the Herringbone Stitch. In March we will review the Fly Stitch. April’s program will cover the Rhodes Stitch and variations. The eventual goal will be to construct a cloth book in November including all of our samples. Caren Scarbrough will teach us those construction techniques.
The meeting was adjourned and members enjoyed refreshments before engaging in the Back to Basics stitch program for the month.

Respectfully submitted,
Annette Meyer Hill

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Monthly Meeting Minutes - January 9, 2008

President Maria Nowicki brought the meeting to order at 6:30 pm in the Conference Center of the Toledo Botanical Garden and distributed an agenda for the meeting.
Secretary Annette Hill provided copies of past meeting minutes for review by members and reported that the blog will soon be updated with all past minutes.
Treasurer Nancy Wright reported that the balance in our checking account is $1606.68. Our savings account balance is $2066.35 and our CD balance is $2074.35.
Resident Organization Council Representative, Anna Kerlin, reported regarding a November meeting of the ROC. They are looking for new leadership, and have difficulty getting members to attend daytime meetings. Marianne Mussett indicated that she would be willing to help if they change to evening meetings. Anna reported that the Heralding the Holidays raffle which we organized raised $502.00 for TBG. The ROC will allocate $250 of the total to their children’s education fund, with the balance remaining in the Heralding the Holidays fund.
The ROC is also organizing summer classes for children aged 6 to 12 years old. Last year these programs involved over 100 children, and the council aims to expand the program this year. They have requested the involvement of all resident organizations. TBG helps with advertising, registration and administration. Each organization would design projects for a two hour class, with approximately $2.00 materials cost per child to be reimbursed by TBG. The classes would be scheduled to fit our needs. Maria Nowicki, Anna Kerlin, Marianne Mussett and Annette Hill have all agreed to help. We will determine the specifics for our project and reply to the ROC by by Feb 7. The program will be planned for sometime in June or July in the Children’s Building.
Debbie Hoffmaster has been chairman of the Heralding the Holidays event for several years and is asking for someone to replace her. The 2008 event will be held December 5,6 and 7. Organizations are asked to have their fees paid and information provided about their participation by September in order to allow for publicity deadlines. Members are asked to look for donations or cheap sources for white chain, reflective vests or reflective tape to make them, and reflective markers to stick in the ground.
Our meeting dates have not been confirmed with TBG for the 2008 year yet. Maria Nowicki will contact the TBG office. Marianne Mussett confirms that our request was submitted in August 2007.
Members are reminded that our theme for the 2008 Heralding the Holidays raffle wreath is Christmas stockings. Members are encouraged to stitch stocking designed ornaments for the wreath during the coming year.
Newsletter Chairman Su Pellitieri has compiled a draft of a membership roster which was circulated for members to review and revise if necessary.
Beth Thompson has confirmed that she will continue as Outreach Chairman and reports that we will be featured in the March issue of Needlearts. Donna Cairns reports that we have 34 additional kits ready to be sent to the Brooks Army medical facility, and members provided an additional 20 kits tonight. Donna has pre-stitched canvases which were recently donated and has spoken with Lake Park Nursing Home. Residents there are willing to learn. Member who are interested in helping teach simple basketweave should contact Donna.
Cathy Studer will continue as Education Chairman. A sign-up sheet was passed around for participation in the Moonlight Sonata Group Correspondence Course in intermediate level Hardanger embroidery. Su Pellitieri will act as group leader and requests that interested members sign up to participate by March. Cathy reports that there is an extended study program available with EGA national for textile design for liturgical space taught by Marilyn Doyle
Marilyn Freeman will continue with the New Member Welcome Committee.
Diane Myers will be taking over the Membership Committee. She will monitor attendance and contact members who have been consistently absent to check on their well-being. She will also contact frequent guests and provide information about joining the guild. Diane also suggests that we follow the example of another guild which presents demonstrations in basic stitches at libraries and other public spaces. We will consider a similar program to generate membership and to add to our outreach activities in teaching the public about needlework.
Marianne provided information to Annette about Toledo Lucas County Public Library procedures for publicizing our events through their bulletin board posting system, which requires that we provide 20 copies of any flyer for our events.
Show Chairman Peverly Horman reports that our show is tentatively scheduled for September 13 and 14, with submissions to be accepted on the 11th and judging on the 12th. The Library has not yet confirmed these dates, and we have other details to confirm as well.
Great Lakes Region Representative, Caren Scarbrough, reminds members that registration ends February 1 for the regional seminar, which will be held April 20-24 in Madison Wisconsin. Caren will continue as GLR Rep for the coming year, but Annette Hill will perform those duties while Caren serves as President next year.
The Town and Country Chapter of EGA, in the Youngstown area, is sponsoring a workshop. Oriental Tool Pocket, taught by Denise Harrington Pratt, will be presented on March 8 and 9 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Registration is due by February 13, 2008.
Librarian and Historian, Katherine Thompson, surveyed members about the scope of her duties. She will collect and identify existing slides and photographs of our shows, and also compile old newsletters.
Maria led discussion about our goals for 2008. In order to increase our membership, we will consider collecting information cards from show visitors which will be used for a gift drawing. Members sadly note that new bookstores opening in the area do not have any embroidery books available, although knitting and crochet books are in stock. We will continue with refreshments provided by members as long as there are volunteers, and a sign-up sheet was circulated.
Marianne received an email from a woman whose 90 year old mother previously did whitework. She lives in Findlay and wants to donate materials to our group. Caren will call her and volunteer to pick it up for our use.
Newsletter Chairman Su Pellitieri reports that our newsletter is available online. An email was distributed providing a link to the newsletter.
Caren Scarbrough was then installed as President Elect.
Nancy Wright asked about a Golden Threads Award Nominee for this coming year. It will be on next month’s agenda. Nominations are due by May 1. Members are asked to consider who to nominate.
The meeting was then adjourned and an educational program on the Chain Stitch was presented by Irene Leonard. The next meeting is scheduled for February 13, 2008.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Meyer Hill

Friday, January 11, 2008

Monthly Meeting Minutes - December 14, 2007

December 12, 2007

President Marianne Mussett brought the meeting to order at 6:30 pm in the Conference Center of the Toledo Botanical Garden. There were 20 members present. Marianne announced that our annual financial report is due February 15.
Anna Kerlin passed out drawing tickets to those members who volunteered at TBG this year.
Treasurer Karlyn Thompson reported that we have $2060.73 in our savings account, and $1109.96 in our checking account. Our Certificate of Deposit matured in November, having earned $74.35 in interest for the year.
Newsletter Editor, Su Pellitieri advises that the deadline for the next newsletter is December 31 and the next newsletter will be posted early in January. She requested that new officers get their contact information to her to be included.
Maria Nowicki thanked those who volunteered to help at Heralding the Holidays. The raffle that we organized raised $502.00 for TBG. Our wreath was the top ticket getter again. The winner of the wreath is considering joining our guild. Next year’s theme will be Christmas stockings, and member’s were encouraged to begin stitching ornaments for that wreath.
Donna Cairns reports that she has 34 more kits to send to the Brooks Army medical facility. Some items won’t be sent, but kept here for our guild’s possible use.
Incoming Program Chairman, Irene Leonard announced that we will be learning different stitches each month of the coming year for our monthly meeting educational program. We will be using our own “stashes” to provide the materials for each month, and we will be advised what we will need in the newsletter. Caren Scarbrough has volunteered to teach a program at the end of the year about assembling our resulting stitch samples into a cloth book.
We will be working on a heart themed project using the booklet from EGA national. It includes heart motifs stitched using various techniques, including bargello and couching, and can be stitched in a bell pull format. Those members wishing to participate should sign up and pay the $12.00 booklet fee by the January meeting.
Marianne reminded members that our bad weather cancellation policy follows Toledo Public Schools. If they closed for the day of our regular meeting, then we will not meet.
Members who are working on The Village Green project and want some help may bring it to the next meeting. Kay Griffith and Caren Scarbrough will help at the January meeting, as well as during the third Thursday of the month Stitch-In at Something Extra. Karlyn reports that she needs the $15.00 final payment from several participants.
In personal news, Sue Hojnacki will be undergoing surgery soon to treat breast cancer.Julia Stange has shingles. Please remember these members during their troubles.
Members shared the projects they have finished in the past few months during our “Get It Finished” program. Drawing tickets were distributed and the end of the year drawing was held.
Incoming President, Maria Nowicki, announced that the meetings will be held on the 1st Thursday of each month, as we have done in the past. She will distribute directions to her house by email.
Maria Nowicki and Nancy Wright were installed as our new President and Treasurer. Caren Scarbrough will be installed at the January meeting.
Secret Stitcher gifts were distributed. Christmas ornaments were exchanged. Christmas cookies were exchanged and also enjoyed as refreshments. The meeting was then adjourned. The next regular meeting is scheduled for January 9, 2008.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Meyer Hill

Monthly Meeting Minutes - November 14, 2007

President Marianne Mussett called the meeting to order.

Diane Myers introduced Edward Jones from the Penta Career Center. She presented the stitched bookmarks. Mr. Jones talked about the program at Penta.

Other guests were Linda McClure and Kay Griffith’s daughter-in-law, Inga. This is the second visit for both.

Marianne announced the September minutes were on the Blog site.

Marianne read the Treasurer’s report: Savings $2060.73; Checking $2008.96; dues collected for EGA $203.00, GLR Dues $7.00. Karlyn completed the list of members, and she shows that there are 45 paid members. A list was passed around showing all paid members.

Donna Carnes received 165 stitch kits at the NAGT Show that were donated to the servicemen.

Caren Scarbrough announced that her daughter, Wendy, got married.

Su Pellitieri asked for items to be put in the January newsletter.

Su also asked for individuals who wanted to volunteer on a committee to discuss clarifying what “adaptation” means for the items for the show. No date was set for the meeting.

Kay Griffith indicated that the “Village Green” kits would be mailed to her on Friday. She will be at Something Extra on Thursday, December 20, 2007, till 8:00 pm to answer questions about the project and to get kits to those she cannot reach before then.

Anna Kerlin reported on TBG Residents organization meetings. The Residents organization is looking for volunteers to be officers on the board. They have a new volunteer coordinator, but she has not started yet. Diane Thurber, head of the children’s education department is looking for programs/classes for the 2008 Summer season. They are looking for a two (2) hour class with a minimal material cost. All hours required to set up a program/class can be logged as volunteer hours for TBG. A few ideas were tossed around for possible classes. Anna, Irene, Nancy, Beth & Kathy were volunteered to work on a committee. Anna gave out volunteer tickets for anyone who helped at the show. We do not get TBG volunteer hours for the show.

Maria passed around the signup sheet for Heralding the Holidays.

Caren Scarbrough made a motion to accept the slate of nominees: Caren for President Elect and Nancy Wright for Treasurer. Marilyn seconded the motion. Members all voted in favor of the motion. Motion passed. Irene Leonard was appointed as Program Chairman. The program tonight on Hungarian work will be presented by Donna Mohn.

The meeting was adjourned.

[Prepared by Jennifer Miller in the absence of Annette Hill.]