Saturday, June 16, 2007

Monthly Meeting Minutes

May 9, 2007

President Marianne Mussett called the meeting to order and passed a sheet around for members to sign for attendance. Secretary Annette Hill counted 21 members present. Marianne advised members that our charter with TBG asks for an annual report about attendance at all of our events.

Treasurer Karlyn Thompson informed the members that our bank account balances are as follows: $2045.16 savings; $1255.39 checking; and $20000 in our CD. We paid out $152 in dues to the national office and $8 to regional treasurer. Members participating in tonight’s program must pay $6 for each kit they use, and Karlyn will also take dues from members who are up for renewal.

Marianne thanked Newsletter Chairman, Su Pellitieri for the changes to our newsletter format. Su is passing a sheet for members to indicate whether they will receive the newsletter on the internet, or whether they would like to receive the newsletter in regular mail. The sheet also has space for you to indicate that you give permission to release information on the internet for your contact information. The newsletters will be available online the 1st day of each odd numbered month.

Membership Chairman, Donna Mohn, indicates that dues are next due at end of June. Donna doesn’t know if they have their new computer person for membership at the national office, and therefore doesn’t know whether we will get a printout or not.

There was no report from the Education Committee.

Outreach Chairman, Donna Cairns announced that she has just received more kits to send to Brooks City Army Base. Donna proposed that we continue with the program. Helen Zeller seconded the motion. The membership voted to continue with the program.

Librarian Katherine Thompson asked the membership if we should dismantle our unused library collection. After discussion on the issue, the guild decided to keep the library intact.

Annette will look for our logo so that Su can consider using it again in her newsletter.

Resident Organization Council (ROC) Liaison, Anna Kerlin announced that TBG’s Open Art event continues on the 1st Sundays of every month. In May, it was essentially a stitch in with 9 guild members present. We had three participants from the public. For the next time, Donna Cairns has 14 count aida cloth and patterns that Karyn from Cross-Stitch Heaven donated and she will bring them for the public interaction. We need raffle donations for the raffle in August. Annette Hill will be donating a Canvaswork scissors case and scissors. Barb Watson donated some crewel pieces from a garage sale.

Caren Scarbrough attended the Great Lakes Region meeting on April 28. She brought back registration forms for the Madison regional seminar. She also has refrigerator magnets for That Needling Town in Chicago available for members. The roster of regional chapter officers has an outdated list for our chapter. We will update it.

Show Chairman Diane Meyers announced that Peverley Hormann will be assistant chair for the show, and Show Chairman the following year.

Marianne asked for a vote for minutes to be included in the blog. Maria seconded and the motion passed. The minutes will not be included in the newsletter.
Marianne asked for approval to sign the TBG charter and return it. Members approved her request. She attended a tea here at TBG about a week ago and met several of our TBG contacts.

Our annual Potluck dinner is scheduled for the June 13 meeting. Please bring your own place setting. We will also do our Get it Finished program and find out who the Secret Stitchers are. Cathy Studer will continue chairing Secret Stitchers and will forward the list to Su for a newsletter article announcing this past year’s pairings.

Nancy Wright worked up a nomination for Kay Griffith for the Golden Thread Award. She read the nomination and resume for us.

There are still openings for our October class, the Village Green, taught by Myrtis Justiniano. She needs a $50 deposit for the kit to hold a space in the class.

Caren is teaching a class tonight for our program on making silk felt. The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Meyer Hill