Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo - August 13, 2008

The Needle Arts Guild of Toledo met on August 13, 2008 at 6:30 pm in the Terrace Room of the Conference Center at the Toledo Botanical Garden. President Maria Nowicki opened the meeting by inviting members to purchase chances for an opportunity drawing gift which was donated by Annette Hill. All members introduced themselves and told about their favorite vacation location. There were 26 members present, including 2 new members, and one guest. Welcome Committee Chairman Marilyn Freeman introduced the two new members and the guest.
Secretary Annette Hill reported that copies of all recent meeting minutes are available for review and have been posted to the blog.
Treasurer Nancy Wright reported that our bank account balances are as follows: Savings $1050.39; Checking $1325.30; Savings CD $1071.75; CD $2108.69 which will mature on August 28, 2008 which we will reinvest in another CD.
Anna Kerlin attended a recent meeting of the Resident Organization Council, although they are no longer recognized by TBTG. We have been asked to report to Melissa our plans for Heralding the Holidays in December. We will continue with our plans to make a wreath to raffle ornamented with stocking themed ornaments. We will consider demonstrating embroidery while attending to the raffle drawing. If there is a problem from TBG about us doing raffles for ourselves, ROC suggested that maybe we could then donate 10% of proceeds to TBG.
Show Chairman Peverley Hormann distributed sign-up sheets for volunteers for the show in September.
Maria asked for donations of items from members for opportunity drawing gifts for visitors to the show. Maria advised that Su Pellitieri reports that the next newsletter deadline is about August 28. Members are asked to submit news or neat web links to Su for publication.
Beth Thompson relayed information from Su Pellitieri concerning the Group Correspondence Course, Moonlight Sonata. Members of the group will gather after our meeting to discuss class progress, and some confusion about instructions.
Those members who participated in our children’s class reported that it “was a hoot!” All the kids left with a finished project and with supplies to complete another.
At Art in the Garden, we established a new contact with society editor for Toledo’s City Paper who will do an article about our show.
Caren Scarbrough presented a display of samples of cloth books which are the subject of our November 1 Saturday stitch-in program. She encouraged members to pick out fabrics to coordinate with our stitching samples. She will continue to take orders for the books, and she will order all of them at one time. Members decided to have a potluck lunch that day. In October we will circulate a sign-up sheet to insure that we have a variety of dishes.
Members discussed including some non-judged displays at our annual show. Members are encouraged to bring their stitch of the month samples, and any unfinished Hearts projects.
The Stan Hewitt show is October 2, 3, 4 & 5 and the Stan Hewitt guild is also offering a class in November. Additional information will be available in the newsletter.
A former member of our chapter who is now retired has indicated that she is interested in acquiring various sized dowels for embroidery frames. Any member who may be able to help can contact Donna Mohn for her contact information.
Maria Nowicki, Karlyn Thompson, and Jennifer Miller told of the wonderful time they had at Michigan State Day, and the great door prizes that they won!
Jenny Kronberg and Karlyn Thompson were congratulated for the ribbons they won at local county fairs.
Jo Waggoner shared information about a book on the Guernsey Island Tapestry. This was a project done in modern times reflecting the traditions of the island.
This evening’s opportunity drawing was won by Caren Scarbrough and raised $30.00 for the chapter treasury.
The meeting was adjourned for refreshments and the education program on Insertion Stitches with Program Chairman, Irene Leonard.

Respectfully submitted,
Annette Meyer Hill