Wednesday, November 12, 2008


President-Elect Caren Scarbrough presided in the absence of President Maria Nowicki. She brought the November meeting of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo to order at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, October 8, 2008 in the Terrace Room of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo. The meeting had been rescheduled to 7:00 due to the use of the Terrace Room by the Board of Directors of the Toledo Botanical Garden. There were 27 members present, and one guest, Barbara McMines, from the state of Oregon who attended with her relative, Diane Myers.
Annette Hill reported that minutes of recent meetings have been posted to the blog and copies are available this evening for review. Annette also reported on the Great Lakes Region Fall Meeting which she attended on September 20, 2008 in Dayton, Ohio. The GLR committee reports are available for review by members. She reported that Melba Moore is collecting projects to be collected into an updated Pandora’s Box for distribution among member chapters for use as meeting programs.
Caren thanked our Show Chairman, Peverley Hormann and Show Registrar, Su Pellitieri, and all members who helped for their efforts in bringing about another very successful exhibit. She then invited members to name their favorite stitching tool as they introduced themselves.
Newsletter Editor Su Pellitieri advised members that our free website at AOL would not be free anymore. Su and her husband, Tom, will investigate our options and report back. Annette Hill reported that at the Regional Fall Meeting, Representatives were reminded that chapters may have a free web page in conjunction with the GLR website.
Diane Myers, who assisted our Judge during our September annual show, was asked to explain some of the judge's decisions. She reported that in some larger categories, the judge split the category into separate sub-categories for large pieces and small pieces, which explains some of the confusion about ribbons within the same category having different scores.
Anna Kerlin reported that the Resident Organization Council for TBG will meet next Wednesday, October 15. She also reported that we have 204 ½ hours volunteer credit toward next year.
Donna Cairns reported that we received 54 kits at our annual show to send to the Brooks Army Medical Center. We received another recognition and thank you certificate from them, which was passed for members to see. Donna told members that she met Catherine Depew at our show who had come specifically because of mention in The Blade of this program. She is the mother of a serviceman who was killed in service and wrote a book called The Blue Star.
Program Chairman Irene Leonard advised members that she had received an email from an inactive member asking about whether we would be participating in the Soldier’s Kissing Pillows program which was written up in Needle Arts. Sue Hojnacki will investigate the program further and report back to members. Irene advised members that this month’s stitch of the month program will be on filling stitches. In November, members are asked to bring in heirloom needlework to share.
Outgoing Show Chairman Peverley Hormann thanked all members who helped us present another successful show.
Su Pellitieri reported that our Moonlight Sonata Group Correspondence Course pieces are due at the December meeting. Members should advise her if they will be completing the pieces in time to submit them to the teacher for evaluation.
Diane Myers advised members that she prepared maps for members to the 577 Foundation in Perrysburg for our November 1 stitching program on Cloth Journals. A sign-up sheet was passed for the potluck lunch which members will share. Members may still sign up to participate, but the book order has already been sent in. There is a room cost of $150.00. Members voted that this fee will be paid from the guild treasury.
Caren asked for volunteers for our Nominating Committee. We will need nominees for President-Elect, Program Chairman, Assistant Program Chairman, Secretary and Assistant Show Chairman. Marianne Mussett, Nancy Wright and Sue Hojnacki volunteered. The slate of nominees will be presented at the November meeting and voting will take place. Installment of new officers will be at the December meeting.
Caren reminded members to complete their stocking-themed ornaments for our wreath and get them to Cathy Studer, who will assemble the wreath for our December raffle.
If members are not wearing their nametags this evening, they are asked to contribute $0.25 to the kitty. Gifts from Secret Stitches were distributed. Tonight’s gift bag drawing was contributed by Irene Leonard. Our November gift bag will be donated by Peverley Hormann. Members were reminded that in December, we will have our annual cookie exchange and ornament exchange.
Caren then asked for discussion about bringing in a well-known teacher for a workshop, perhaps in the spring of 2009. Members are asked to submit suggestions and we will investigate them in the coming months.
Sue Hojnacki and other members shared information with members concerning the Shining Needle Society, which is a web-based group which offers embroidery classes and online discussion groups. Joining the group is free. There are fees for classes. Gay Ann Rogers and Jane Zimmerman are both involved and there are a lot of great classes offered.
Historian Katherine Thompson will be assembling a scrapbook to commemorate this year. Members are asked to send her any photos or information that should be included.
Several members are interested in rejuvenating our evening stitch-ins. They will be held on the third Tuesday of each month from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. The next one will be at Katherine Thompson’s home on October 21. The daytime stitch-ins continue every Thursday. This week’s is at Kay Griffith’s home in Defiance, Ohio.
Members were advised that the 2009 Ohio State Day will be held in Ohio’s Amish country on Saturday, April 25. The Great Lakes Regional Seminar will be held in Dearborn, Michigan. Brochures are available in printed and online formats.
The meeting was then adjourned for refreshments and the filling stitch program.

Respectfully submitted,

Annette Meyer Hill