Monday, February 9, 2009

Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Needle Arts Guild of Toledo

Meeting Minutes for January 21, 2009

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by President-elect Sue Hojnacki.
There is a sign up sheet going around for attendance at this meeting. Thanks to Annette Hill for sponsoring us in our new location, First Unitarian Church on Glendale Avenue.

There were no formal reports from the Secretary or the Treasurer.

Membership: Diane Myers reported that February is National Embroidery Month.
Feb. 7th is National Stitch In Day. We will be at the Maumee Public Library from
10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. to stitch, with four people at a time, due to limited seating. Please sign up for one of two times: 10:00 a.m. to Noon or Noon to 2:00 p.m. We will also
have a display set up. Diane contacted Franklin Park Mall to see about stitching there but the cost would have been $400. Diane has prepared a new roster which she will bring next time. We have 46 members.

Show: Sue Wiemer reported that we will be having our show at Sanger Branch Library on September 23 - 26, 2009. This is actually a day earlier in the week, as the library has a new policy about not using meeting rooms on Sundays due to staffing shortages. Registration will begin on Wednesday, September 23 from 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. with guild members coming at 3:00 p.m. to learn their duties. The judging will be on Thursday, September 24 and the show will be on Friday and Saturday, September 25 and 26. There will not be any critiques of the needlework.

Education: Irene Leonard reported that the correspondence course catalog arrived as part of the current issue of Needle Arts magazine. If there are 10 members interested in a course then we may be able to get some funding from the guild. A meeting place will be needed for the group correspondence class. Irene reminded us that we also have a number of projects from EGA which we can do as a group. If you are interested in having a teacher this fall, please contact Irene or someone else on the Board with your idea. We would like to do something like we did last fall at the 577 Foundation.

Su Pellitieri reported that she had heard from Cindy Valentine about the correspondence course that was finished last year. We should get our items back soon. "You guys rock," was Cindy’s complimentary remark about our group. She was very pleased with the work our group did and will be glad to judge others afterward if you get your piece finished before too long. Cindy will be at GLR in April.

Newsletter: Su reported that the deadline is February 25.

Publicity: Christine Hampshire is our new chair for publicity. There was an article in the Blade on January 21, 2009 about our dismissal from TBG. We were also noted on the activities page. A copy of the article will be mailed to President Caren Scarbrough who is out of town. Christine would like to send out more descriptions of our programs. She wants to start with the national magazines, neighborhood papers, or blogs involved with needlework. Christine will also help with the publicity for our show.

Hostess: Donna Cairns is not here tonight so Helen Zeller is sending around the sign up sheet for bringing treats. The hostesses for tonight’s meeting are Irene Leonard and Diane Myers.
There were no guests at the meeting tonight.

Program: Kim Hammer sent around the contract for us to sign for completion of an old project over this next year. If we finish our project by December, 2009 then we will be rewarded in some way. Our February program will have Sue Hojnacki introducing us to "tuffets biscornu" or pin cushions. We will start the project and for the May program Sue will show us the art of finishing our tuffets. Also, Christine Hampshire will share her Master Craftsman steps with us as part of our February program.

New Business: Sue H. noted that our Bylaws need to be changed because of our meeting date change from the second Wednesday to the third Wednesday of the month. Caren Scarbrough has worked on the minor changes and will bring the completed bylaws for a vote. Caren is also planning to address who may be voting members on the Board.

When we established the Evelyn Goodeman Memorial Education Fund we made about $8,000 when we had the sale of Evelyn’s stash several years ago. Shirley Fischer proposed how we should spend the money. We will need to revise the language pertaining to how the funds are distributed now that we are no longer meeting at TBG. EGA will get any funds that are remaining if we ever disband as a guild. The plan allows for us to have certificates of deposit in the amount of $500 available for a teacher and/or 3 correspondence courses per year. The Education chairman is responsible for arranging this. Additional funds would be paid by the members. A motion was made by Christine Hampshire to make the necessary changes in the fund documents, seconded by Katherine Thompson and passed by the members.
Katherine Thompson noted that she still has 5 books from the guild library in her car. It was decided to leave further discussion about what to do with the books until the March Board meeting when Caren is back in town.

There will not be a February Board meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.

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