Wednesday, March 18, 2009


The Needle Arts Guild of Toledo met on Wednesday, February 18, 2009 in the Fellowship Hall of First Unitarian Church of Toledo. With President Caren Scarbrough out of town, and President-Elect Sue Hojnacki ill, Treasurer Nancy Wright presided over the meeting which began at 6:45 pm. There were 18 members present and no guests. Annette Hill provided copies of minutes from the January meeting which were written by Marianne Mussett. Annette will take minutes this evening in the absence of Secretary Cassie
Treasurer Nancy Wright reports the following bank account balances as of January 31, 2009: Fifth Third CD $2126.25; Fifth Third Savings $1050.78; Charter One Savings $1074.41; and Charter One Checking $1872.77.
Nancy reminded members that there are five books left from our now disbanded library which will be available for sale at the March meeting. There will be an announcement in the newsletter.
The next Board meeting will be on March 5 at the Barnes and Nobles at The Shops at Fallen Timbers at 6:30 pm.
Show Chairman Sue Wiemer announced that Sandy Rogers will judge our annual show in September. The show will be on Friday and Saturday this year, because the library has limited staff on Sundays and does not want us to have the show open then. The dates are September 25 and 26. We will accept entries on Wednesday the 23rd, and judge on Thursday the 24th. This actually gives us more time for set-up, as the library is open until 9:00 pm on Thursdays. We will change the judge’s contract to read that we will reimburse for mileage at the rate set by the IRS that is in effect at the time of the show.
Irene Leonard asked members to consider participation in two Group Correspondence Courses: Cleopatra’s Cat, which is a Canvaswork piece, or the Stumpwork class that is available. We will also continue to consider doing the Heart of Shenandoah project as a group project. It was also announced that Jane Zimmerman has retired and is selling some of her stash online at
Su Pellietieri reports that the newsletter deadline is February 25. She needs information on the books to be sold at the March meeting and will contact Caren.
Program chairman, Kim Hammer, passed a sign up sheet for the Heart of Shenandoah book which costs $15.00 which members should pay in advance. Kim or Irene will order them. Since Sue Hojnacki is not present tonight, Kim will arrange for her to provide pattern information for the Biscornu designs which are tonight’s scheduled program for the newsletter, and also assure that the patterns will be available next month so that we can work them up in time for August. For our March program, Diane Myers put her in touch with Gretchen Schultz who has collected antique needlework tools and will present a slide show. Members should bring any antique tools they would like to share. It is also time to share our Get it Finished items at the March meeting as well. In
April we will have Ann Rorarius teaching Blackwork Dolls Petite Project which we have done before. If you began it back then, bring in your finished project, or finish your unfinished one with us. In May, Sue Hojnacki will teach us finishing techniques for the Biscornu project which was scheduled for tonight. In June we will have our annual Potluck. In July we will have a garage sale of needlework items, so members are encouraged to gather items to sell. In August, Karlyn will teach an armchair caddy type project that members can coordinate with their Biscornu design.
Donna Cairns recruited additional volunteers for refreshments in coming months.
Several members shared their Contract to Finish project from the January program.
The meeting was then adjourned and members visited with each other and shared refreshments. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 18, 2009.

Respectfully submitted,Annette Meyer Hill

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